Chapter 13

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a/n: I tried to give my "Stalker" fanfic some attention and I forgot to give this one some as well ;///; while correcting it I realised that I miss working on it so I can't wait to write more chapters! I hope you'll enjoy this one <3


"Hinata-kun!" I turned around when I heard his soft footsteps muffled by bunny slippers which he always wore whenever he was at my place. He smiled at me warmly and chuckled probably my reaction at his arrival was too enthusiastic.

"Sorry for taking so long, Ko—" his soft expression was replaced with a deep frown. His eyes laid on my hands which were holding his phone lightly. "O-oh.. oh." I panicked as I realized that this situation could be easily mistaken and I should've just put the phone away before instead of holding onto it as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "I-it's not like that, Hinata-kun..! It's not.. I swear on my worthless life!" seriousness was written all over my face. I'd rather die than make him hate me. I really didn't want him to think that I had been looking through the personal data on his device after all, I would never dare to do such a disgusting thing and to especially not to him from all the people.

He sat next to me and reassured me with a sweet smile. "Hey, it's okay.. I believe you. Don't worry so much." his smile was gentle and sincere, maybe even too much. Why is he smiling like this? Why to me..? I sighed clearly relieved—despite my worries about the reasons hiding behind his kindness—and proceeded to answer his unsaid question. "Your dad called you." I said carefully still not feeling sure how much of his dad's and mine conversation I should tell him about. Will he get mad at me for ending the call in the way I did? I wondered. I didn't want to cause him any trouble nor make a bad impression on his family.

"Wait.. really?" he'd been rubbing his hair with a towel ever since he got here but stopped just now and looked somewhere afar drowning deep in thoughts and losing the touch with reality. I wanted to hug him. But I didn't have the courage to do that.. I didn't want to disgust him. And who was I to assume that he had problems with his dad anyway? He didn't talk with me about his family so I shouldn't butt in like that.

"It's been a while since he did honestly." he said after a long while sighing and looking down. "I should've blocked his number already, I'm a fucking idiot." he let out a barely audible laugh. "Just the sound of his voice makes me want to cut my throat, goddamit.." he sat down next to me, water was dripping down from him which reminded me about the first time we met, pretty nostalgic.

I couldn't see his face so I couldn't be sure if he was serious about his words or not however since he wasn't the type to say such things lightly, I assumed all he felt towards his father was hatred. And it didn't surprise me; just one call made me want to kidnap Hinata so that he wouldn't need to face a person of his likes any longer.

But I can't do that, can I? I smiled sadly. Blush crept on my face as the idea started delving into my head. I'd be more than happy to have him here with me forever. "Kidnapping is a crime.. isn't it?" Though being like that towards such a kind cutie like him is way bigger crime than that. I'd with pleasure do that but being trapped with a person of my kind didn't seem any better so I tried to stop thinking about doing that to him.

"Yeah..?" his eyebrows furrowed even more than ever before. He was beyond confused but so was I, honestly. I didn't really plan on saying that question out loud after all. Hearing him answering to it kind of spooked me. "What the heck are you thinking of right now, Komaeda?" he supported his chin on his hand and his suppressed laughs filled the room making the atmosphere lighter. He probably didn't think I was serious about it and thought that I said it just to light it up a bit, whoops.

It's better that he thought that way though.

I handed him the phone in the meanwhile since I'd completely forgotten about it, yet again. "N-nothing much.. hehe." I smirked at him but deep down I felt a bit distressed and troubled that by sheer accident he got to know about the plan B I came up with, so I hid my face and embarrassment by hugging my knees tightly until I felt more at ease.

My stare laid on Hinata's hair, it still was really wet. I shook my head. "That won't do, Hinata-kun." I stated confusing him the second time today. "What?" he tilted his head. "You need to rub it more carefully, you don't want to have a cold once again.. right?" I grinned. It'd be cute if he wanted to get sick again to be able to stay here and make me take care of him. But well.. I didn't want him to get sick so it was all just in my weird imagination. I coughed to stop laughing in suspicious manner and took the towel rubbing his hair with it—and I confess—I was doing that for longer than needed.

"H-hey, hey, stop, I think it's dry already..!" he got embarrassed and I believe it was because I got very close to him in order to do that. He reached his hand to take the towel away from me and then I noticed that there was a red stain on his shirt. "Hinata-kun." My voice got serious. "We need to treat it quickly." I took his shirt off since it was getting in the way and I didn't feel like pulling his sleeve up.

"W-wait, what do you think you're doing?!" his puffed cheeks got rosy. "It was in the way, so.." I smiled at him apologetically and held his wrist gently. The blood wasn't dripping from the fresh wound any longer but it wasn't healed yet and the stain was the proof of that. Just looking at it was making my heart to sink, I didn't like seeing him wounded like that. "I need to disinfect it, hmm.. wait a bit, okay?" I was about to stand up when he let out a sudden 'oh'. I raised my eyebrow questioning what was surprising about it. "I-I thought you'd lick it, haha.." he got red. "You want me to?" my eyes shone brightly, knowing he thought that made me very happy. "I think it'll be better to treat it more properly than that but.." I kissed his wound softly a few times. "I couldn't miss a chance like that." I smiled cunningly as I picked up his shirt and stood up.

"W-where are you taking it? I don't want to stay shirtless.." he complained and pouted as the distance was getting bigger between us. "Worry not, I'll get you something clean instead!" I assured him. Though I'd love him to stay like that, goddammit. It's a shame to hide such a beautiful looking body like his. Sadly, soon I won't be able to stare at his chest anymore. I sobbed while looking for some replacement shirt for him, band-aids and a disinfection liquid.

I tried to make it as quick as possible, the state of his wrist really concerned me after all. I'd already known about his wounds there but I'd kept shut about it the last time, since we'd been mere strangers when I'd taken care of him that day and it hadn't been my business to ask about it. "Okay, show me your wrist now." I commanded him and he obediently held it out to me. "It may hurt a bit.." I forewarned him since I didn't want to surprise him with sudden painful feeling, he nodded and I applied the liquid on his wound. He hissed at that and I found his expression very cute. Soon I placed the patch on his wound and all was good. "Thank you, Komaeda, you didn't have to though. It'd be fine." he seemed a bit uneasy.

"Well.. it's better to treat those just in case. I don't want anything bad to happen to you so I couldn't just leave it like that." I handed him my shirt and he dressed it up straight away, I assumed he didn't feel at ease when his wounds were in the spotlight.

"You.. don't think bad of me?" he got very fidgety when he asked me that. "No, why would I?" I answered him with a question and frowned trying to understand the meaning behind his words. He was like a god to me, the thought of him and word 'bad' didn't come together at all and I could never think anything bad about his person. "Well.. I tried to play strong before you and help you with your problems but.. I'm not coping with things happening around me that well either. I was afraid that it might be disappointing if someone got to know that so didn't want especially you to know that." his breathing was shaky and it deceived his nervousness which he tried to hide by maintaining a calm posture. "There's no need for you to worry so much over such things, Hinata-kun!" I tried to reassure him. "I'd never think bad of you, I'm in no position to do that anyway." Hearing that he's going through a lot too made me want to make plan B real even more. When it'd be just me and him I could make sure he'd be treated in the right way.

"I'm relieved then.. oh. By the way." he brushed the back of his phone his finger. "There's one thing I want to ask you about." he breathed in and out trying to calm down. He seemed to be worried about something.

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