Wanda Maximoff, also known as Scarlet Witch, is a Marvel superheroine created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. First appearing in The X-Men #4 (1964), Wanda has also become a pivotal character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as well. Possessing a vast array of abilities, Scarlet Witch is among one of the most powerful characters in Marvel canon. Portrayed by American actress Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlet Witch has recently appeared in films such as Avengers: Infinity War (2018) and Avengers: Endgame (2019).
Character Background (MCU version-- for simplicity's sake)
Wanda was born in Sokovia, a small country in Eastern Europe, to unnamed parents. She had an older twin brother named Pietro, who she had a close relationship with. Civil unrest in Sokovia would eventually lead Wanda and Pietro to undergo human experimentation by HYDRA, in which Wanda was given her superhuman abilities. Originally recruited by the robot Ultron, Wanda would later defect to the Avengers to stop his plans of global domination. While battling Ultron and his robotic army, Wanda lost both her brother and her home. Reborn as a hero, Wanda became an instrumental member of the Avengers.
Powers and Abilities
Psionic Energy Manipulation: Wanda, having her abilities given to her by the Mind Stone, can manipulate powerful psychic energy. She can wield this energy to formulate concussive blasts, destory objects, and achieve her unique form of telekinesis. Wanda's energy blasts are not only powerful enough to shatter an Infinity Stone, but hold back Thanos, who possessed the other five.
Telekinesis: One of Wanda's primary abilities is telekinesis, which manifests as vapory ribbons of red energy. She can move, redirect, and otherwise manipulate objects with her mind.
Telepathy: She possesses the ability to interact with the minds of others. This is not limited to strictly mind reading, but also inducing intense hallucinationic visions on others-- based on their worst fears.
Levitation: Wanda can channel her energy into her hands and generate enough force to propel herself into the air and simulate flight.
Force Field Generation: Utilizing her psionic energy, Wanda can create protective barriers that can absorb and deflect attacks.
Bilingualism: Wanda speaks both English and Sokovian.
Cooking: Scarlet Witch has shown an appitude for cooking.
Wanda is a survivor and fighter. Considered a weapon of mass destrcution, and rightfully so, she is capable of incredible feats. When angered, Wanda has the power to instill terror in Thanos himself. However, she is also compassionate and intuitive, shown through her empathic abilites and her love for the Vision.
Fun Facts
- In the comics, Wanda is even more powerful. Being able to warp reality itself, she once depowered most of the mutant population by simply stating the words "No More Mutants."
- Also in the comics, Wanda and Vision have two twin boys, William "Billy" Kaplan (otherwsieknown as Wiccan) and Thomas Shepherd (also known as Speed).
Heroes and Villains
RandomThis is a collection, an encyclopedia if you will, about all your favorite heroes and villains. A little mug shot/ selfie, along with a bio and some interesting facts to get to know the souped up individual a little bit better.