"Rocket" is an anthropomorphic enhanced being and space criminal, first appearing in Marvel preview #7 and in Guardians of the Galaxy(2014) in the MCU. He is voiced by American actor Bradley Cooper and motion captured by Guardians directors brother; Sean Gunn.
Character Background:
"Rocket" as he prefers to be called was first known as subject 89P13, as a cybernetic experiment on the planet HalfWorld. Repeated experimentations led him to leading a life of a mercenary, and eventually partnering with Groot from Planet X. He even racked up twenty-two counts of escaping his incarceration. He became a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy after helping Star-Lord retrieve and protect The Orb, which housed the power stone. He was the only member of the Guardians to survive Thanos' 'Snap'.
Powers & Abilities:
~ Expert Marksman
~ Amplified speed
~ Acute senses
~ Sharp claws for fighting and climbing
~ Master engineer and military tactician.
Fun Facts:
~ The Name "Rocket" is inspired by a Beatles song.
~ The character of Rocket only appears in 10 comic issues, despite being 30 years old.
~ His soulmate is an otter!
~ He is inspired by a real life raccoon named Oreo.
~ He grew up in an insane asylum.
Heroes and Villains
LosoweThis is a collection, an encyclopedia if you will, about all your favorite heroes and villains. A little mug shot/ selfie, along with a bio and some interesting facts to get to know the souped up individual a little bit better.