Dr. Robert Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk, is a Marvel superhero first appearing in The Incredible Hulk #1 (1962). Created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby, the green-skinned berserker is one of Marvel's most recognizable characters. As a core member of the Avengers, the Hulk has enjoyed prominent comic and cinematic appearances. Portrayed by American actor Mark Ruffalo in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Bruce Banner/ Hulk have appeared in numerous films, including The Incredible Hulk (2008), The Avengers (2012), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), and Avengers: Endgame (2019).
Character Background
Bruce Banner was born in Dayton, Ohio. Once a meek but world-renowned scientist, Banner specialized in the fields of biochemistry, nuclear physics, and gamma radiation. However, after an experiment went awry, he was accidentally exposed to gamma rays. This radiation would give him incredible superhuman abilities. It would be these abilities, and his genius intellect, that would later lead him to becoming a founding member of the Avengers.
Powers and Abilities
As Bruce Banner:
Genius-level Intellect: Bruce Banner is one of the world's leading scientists.As Hulk:
Invulnerability: The Hulk is nearly indestructible, being bulletproof, resistant to explosives, and able to withstand otherwise deadly trauma with little to no side effect.Superhuman Strength: The Hulk's primary power is brute strength.
Superhuman Stamina: The Hulk has an augmented physical form, and is able to exert himself for long periods of time without suffering fatigue.
Anger Empowerment: The Hulk usually draws on rage to fuel his strength and stamina.
Regenerative Healing Factor: The Hulk heals at an accelerated rate, able to recover from injuries in only a small amount of time.
Bruce is a divided soul. At his core, he is introverted, introspective, mild-mannered, and rational. As the Hulk, he is brash, emotional, brutish, and impulsive. Although seemingly being counterweights for one another, both Bruce and Hulk have an instinctual need to protect others. They are both driven and determined, seeking to achieve their goals.
Fun Facts
- The Hulk once unleashed all of his power and destroyed a planet with a single punch.
- The Hulk has been married three times and has four children.
- Stan Lee originally meant for the Hulk to be gray-colored. Due to issues in printing, Lee changed Hulk's coloration to the iconic green you see today.
Heroes and Villains
RandomThis is a collection, an encyclopedia if you will, about all your favorite heroes and villains. A little mug shot/ selfie, along with a bio and some interesting facts to get to know the souped up individual a little bit better.