Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark, otherwise known as Iron Man, is a Marvel superhero first appearing in Tales of Suspense #39 (1963). Created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, Don Heck, and Jack Kirby, the character of Iron Man has become a staple of Marvel Comics. Iron Man has also appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including films such as Iron Man (2008), The Avengers (2012), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), and Avengers: Endgame (2019).
Character Background
Tony Stark is the son of Howard and Maria Stark. A child prodigy, he entered MIT at age fifteen, where he obtained degrees in both engineering and physics. After the tragic death of his parents, he inherited his father's company, Stark Industries. As a wealthy young adult, he self-proclaimed himself a "genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist." After being captured by enemy forces following a weaponry demonstration, he invented an armored suit to escape. This suit would become one of many, starting the legacy of Iron Man.
Powers and Abilities
Genius-Level Intellect: Tony Stark has an estimated IQ of 270, making him a super genius.
Ingenious Inventor and Scientist: Stark has designed all of his armored suits, along with many other technologically advanced inventions.
Powered Armor Suit: Stark's suit is a powerful weapon, giving him access to numerous abilities:
— Superhuman Strength
— Superhuman Durability
— Supersonic Flight
— Energy Repulsor
— Missile Projection
— Regenerative Life SupportSarcasm*
Tony Stark is a practical visionary. Rational, clever, brash, and resourceful, Tony has proved that mind can truly rival brawn. Using hubris to hide deep-seated insecurities, Tony can come off as cold and egotistic. However, he does display a softer, compassionate side to the ones he loves. At his core, Tony is both a dreamer and a thinker.
Fun Facts
- The film Iron Man (2008) is the first film set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
- Stan Lee created Iron Man as a challenge— he wanted to create a character no one should like and make people like him.
— We love him 3000.
Heroes and Villains
RandomThis is a collection, an encyclopedia if you will, about all your favorite heroes and villains. A little mug shot/ selfie, along with a bio and some interesting facts to get to know the souped up individual a little bit better.