Part One: There's a wolf at my door

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I glided down the stairs and into the lounge room where the man was outstretched on the carpet in a direct ray of morning sun like a dog enjoying the heat. He made a soft sound, almost as if he was purring.

I had no idea where he came from or why he decided to show up at my doorstep, all I know is that this mountain of a man came knocking and I happily let him stay. I have no idea why I let him in but something urged me to. He was like a lost puppy, though he could barely fit past my doorway. "Good morning," I muttered while rubbing the sleep from my eyes. He got up and stretched, his muscles bulging underneath his torn shirt. He winced before pressing down on his side. He hadn't spoken at all, even after I tried asking where we was from or if I should call someone.

I started making my way to the kitchen before spinning around. "Do you want something? Cereal? A drink?" I asked. I stared deep into his grey eyes as they seemed to trace every inch of my body. I took the time to take in his appearance. He looked like he had walked through every natural disaster our world had to offer and survived. He had light pink scars littered all over his body, his skin slightly tanned and a head of knotted ebony strands. He grunted as I gave a confused look. He frowned then nodded.

I hopped to the kitchen and prepared everything as he didn't really specify what he wanted. "Here you go." I spoke as he sat down on the stool. I slid him the bowl of cereal and watched as he practically devoured the bowl. I was about to comment on his breakfast when another knock at the door sounded. "I'll be right back, okay?" I told him but his only answer was the sounds of disgusting slurps.

I slid of the seat and walked over to the door, swinging it wide open. The person on my doorstep made my jaw drop. "Alan?!" I cried who had one of his famous mischievous smirks. "Hey, babe." He greeted as he embraced me in a hug.

I pulled away and got a good look a my best friend. He had gotten taller, bulkier and almost looked nothing like my past friend. His old soft red mop of curls was now put into a neat haircut. His once green eyes seemed deeper with almost a mysterious glint and his skin! His once tanned surfer skin was now a ghostly pale. He's changed so much.

Then my happiness and excitement was replaced by a fueled anger I was keeping suppressed for a year. I slapped him right there and watched as his head whipped to the side. "You absolute idiot!" I yelled, forgetting about my guest. "Where have you been?!"

His mouth twitched as he covered his cheek. "Henry I- I didn't want to worry you." He mumbled. "That's all you have?! 'I didn't want to worry you'?!" I screamed. He was about to open his mouth again but was interrupted by the sound of glass smashing. "Is someone else here?" He asked, looking around the house. "J-Just stay here." I muttered before leaving to go see what happened. I entered the kitchen to noticed that the man was looking down at the floor where his glass of water was shattered.

He looked both angry and sad. "It's okay," I reassured him while grabbing a dustpan from the top of the fridge. "What happened here? And why does it smell like wet dog?" Alan's voice filled the room. His emerald eyes landed on the man who was standing there with a death glare pointed at Alan. A animalistic growl flew past his slips as Alan grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him.

"What are you doing?" I groaned while dropping the dustpan. "I need to clean up the mess-"

"You shouldn't trust this man." Alan seethed, staring him down. "Okay, why?" I asked not bothering to wait for an answer. I grabbed the dustpan and began to sweep everything in. "Why is he even here?" Alan hissed as I deposited the glass shards in the bin. "I'm not sure. He just showed up at my door." I answered still mad at him. He's lucky there was someone else here or I might have murdered him right there and then.

"He just showed up? And you let him in?!"

I groaned. "Yes, I did."

I walked over to the man and guided him back to the living room. That's when I noticed that him and Alan didn't look that far apart in age meaning neither did we. I sat him down, the couch practically morphing to hold his weight. I switched on the TV and returned to Alan. "Lay off, Okay? I think he's in shock." I whispered. "Trust me, Henry. He isn't in shock he's dangerous!" He raved in a hush tone.

I scoffed. "Dangerous? The guy's like a puppy!" Alan looked at me with both an amused and shocked expression. "He's a canine for sure.." He humbled. Canine? What? I ignored his last statement as Alan usually liked to insult people.

"I don't think he has any family. He doesn't have a phone or anything I can ID him with." I sighed. I didn't feel bad. I felt this weird connection to him. "I'm going to ask him again." I said before Alan pushed me aside and faced the man. He was curled up in a ball, barely fitting on the couch itself. He really did remind me of a puppy.

"You." Alan curtly said causing the man to sit up in alert. "What's your name?" He asked but the man didn't respond. He just looked over to me with a blank face. "Oi, mutt! I'm over here! Hellooo?" The red-head seethed. "Alan! I told you to lay off!" I yelled. The man began growing again and I could've sworn his grey eyes flashed a different colour. "Look at him! He's practically snapping at you and foaming at the mouth! He's rabid!"

"Right! That's it! You need to leave." I told him and got a bunch of protests. "Go for a walk. Get some fresh air. We'll catch up later," I assured him. "Henry! Trust me, that man is dangerous! He isn't what you think he is!"

I slammed the door right in his face. Normally I wouldn't have but someone doesn't normally disappear off the face of the earth for a year. I walked back to the living room and sat next to the male who's cool grey eyes stared at the TV in a confused trance. "Listen, I really need to know your name Anything.." I spoke softly, his eyes flicking between me and the TV. "Just the tiniest detail.."

He made a small chuffing sound. His lips moved but I didn't hear anything. He took my silence as confusing and spoke a little louder. "Lu..." He muttered.

Lu? Was that his name? "Is that your name, Lu?" I asked. He nodded. Lu, what an unusual name. "I think that's a wonderful name," I told him and watched as the corner of his lips twitched with the sign of a smile. "I'm sure you heard Alan say it many times," I started, noticing how he reacted to Alan's name which was a frown, "but my names Henry."

"Hen?" He mumbled back. Oh my god this man was adorable. "No, Henry." I corrected. "Hen." He stated again seeming so sure. I let it slide just happy I got two words from him. He stretched again, wincing and padding his hip. He seemed to be in pain for that certain area so instead of asking I reached over and lifted up his torn shirt to reveal a deep gash that looked infected. "Oh my god!" I yelled. I looked up at him who was panting, maybe from his fever I only now noticed. "You need to come with me," I commanded, getting up and heading to the garage.

"We're going to get you fixed up,"

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