Part Three: Another Visitor

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I eventually fell asleep against Lu who continued to watch the movie. It was a black and white film about werewolves or something I wasn't really paying attention to it. Lu's warm body kept me comfortable and lulled me to a state in which I didn't want to get up, even when someone knocked at the door.

I would've stayed there with my eyes glued shut if the knocking didn't become more intense and Lu was making this sort of growling sound. I groaned before getting up, thinking it was Alan. "Al, I swear to god-"

When I opened the door it wasn't Alan at all. It was this woman with blonde hair, tied up in a bun. She had a crisp suit with black tinted glasses making it impossible to see her eyes. Why was this woman wearing glasses at night?

"Hello." She greeted, her monotone voice making me cringe. "Hi..?" I responded. There was something off about this woman. "So sorry for bothering you at such a late time," she excused, her french accent seeping through her words. "But I was wondering if you have seen either of these men?" She asked before holding up two grainy pictures. I leaned closer to inspect them and went to grab it, brushing our hands.

An icy bite sent shivers throughout my entire body and I felt like something was being drained from me. I looked closer at the pictures, my heart almost stopping. It was a picture of Alan at my doorstep taken yesterday, and the other was Lu taken somewhere in the wilderness. "Sir? These men are extremely dangerous and it is vital we catch them." She urged with a bit of viciousness. Something hit the ground from inside alerting the woman.

I zoned out everything she had to say. Why was this woman colder than the winter itself? Why did she have pictures of my best friend and Lu? Why was she wearing glasses with the moon over our heads? "I-I'm sorry, I-I don't know these.." I started, feeling the colour drain from my cheeks. "I don't know these men.."

I shut the door, almost tumbling over. I got to the phone and dialed Alan's number. For the first time in a year he answered the phone with a groggy voice. "H-Henry? What's wrong?"

My brain short-circuted for a minute, trying to figure out why that woman was so chilling. "Th-There's this- out-outside.." I mumbled feeling my legs turn to jelly. "Henry you're not making any sense," Alan's voice cut through my ranting. "There's this woman outside- she wants to know if I've seen you." I blurted out.

He cursed. "Was she blonde? French accent?" He asked. "Y-Yes. I'm scared, Al. There's something off about her and she's still at my door!" I whimpered in a hushed tone. "Lu's still here b-but he also seems to know somethings off.."

I heard rustling over the phone and the muffled sounds of the TV. "Get upstairs, now." His voices rang in my ears. "W-What? Why?" I asked a sinking feeling of dread taking place. "Just get upstairs! Hide somewhere I'll be right over!" He yelled. My eyes started to water in fear. "Sh-Should I call the cops?" I stupidly asked. Before he could answer there was the sound of glass shattering and the lights turned off and the sound of my security alarm blaring. I dropped the phone as My grabbed me by my waist and flew up the stairs. Adrenaline pumped through me as he tugged me into my room. There wasn't much time nor much room for him to fit in, so the only place he could fit was the closest. We crammed ourselves in and ceased all sound and movement.

I could hear the blood pounding in my ear and Lu's heartbeat as he pulled me closer. He covered my mouth with his hand as I couldn't control my breathing. The sounds of heavy footsteps filled the room and anxiety flooded my insides as I realized there wasn't just one pair. There were three.

My breathing became for ragged as the footsteps drew near and the doorknobs to my closer began to twist. They flew open and what happened next was a sort of blur. I felt something lash out and pierce my cheek, blood spilling from the cut and Lu charge forward. I couldn't see much in the dark but all I heard was the sound of furniture being crushed under bodies and punches being thrown. The sounds of abnormal hissing and loud barking filled the tiny room as the fight continued. I was scared to death at what might happen to Lu. Three against one, even if Lu was probably made of pure steel was an unfair fight. I crouched down, and whimpered, feeling absolutely helpless. My voice was taken from me, not being able to scream or call for help.

Seemingly out of nowhere, the intruders fled and Lu's enormous figure stood up running after them. I sat their, in my closet with my cheek bleeding in the dark. This is not at all what I imagined my evening was going to be. I have no idea how long I was sitting there for but all of it almost faded away when the lights turned on and Alan entered the room.

I ran for him, my eyes becoming waterfalls again. "Th-They broke- broke into the h-house-" I stuttered, pulling myself as close as possible to Alan. "It's okay, Henry. I'm here." He soothed. "L-Lu fought them off but I'm scared he got hurt."

He pushed me back a little so our eyes could meet. "Lu fought them off?" He asked in almost disbelief. I nodded, then heard the wail of a police siren nearing we rushed downstairs and outside where a cop car pulled up. They asked if we were okay, gave me a bandage for my cheek then interrogated us. I was still in shock and let Alan do most of the talking. Every now and then she'd ask me to fill in the gaps but I usually zoned everything out.

"So it was just you two?" The officer asked. I was about to answer when Alan quickly intervened. "Yes. Just us."

I looked at him with a confused expression. The officer nodded before telling us she was done and they'd investigate it further. "It isn't unusual for an intruder to come back after their first try, so I'm sure you have a place to stay?" She asked. Alan held me tight and nodded. "He'll be staying with me,"

Once she left I turned to him for some answers. "Why did you lie?" I asked a bit pissed. "Lu isn't a normal person. People can't know he's here." He sighed. He has to be joking. "I get you don't like him, but not telling the cops? An-And that woman said you were dangerous! I'm gonna need some answers!" I retorted. Between the shock and the frustration I felt like I was going to pass out.

He reached out to grab my hand and when he did I felt the same icy bite the woman before gave off. How did I not feel it before? Why was he so cold? All these thoughts running around in my head made me weak and the next thing I know I'm tumbling to the ground.

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