Part Eight: Camping

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Once we reached the caravan park Rita didn't waste a second telling Alan everything that happened. I got the same feeling that I didn't know everything about what just happened, and it bothered me again. Al wouldn't stop bugging me, asking what I did, if they did anything to me and if I was okay. The gesture was appreciated, but the blonde that clung to his arm everywhere he went certainly was not. I was on edge, to say the least and so was Lu. In a matter of days I hardly know this man but I trust him wholeheartedly.

Sleeping in Alan's caravan clearly wasn't an option so I asked if he had a tent, and surprisingly he did. He claimed that he spent a lot of time in the woods while he was gone which added even more questions of my 'Ask-Alan' list which was rapidly growing. "It's big enough for two," he added while looking through the storage compartment. He found it and pulled it out. "I'm planning on sharing it with Lu," I stated and got an incredulous glance from the red-head. "Do you think he'll fit? I mean, the man's built like a mountain!" I joked but didn't receive a laugh from him. "Yeah, he might fit in it." He gave before handing the rather large box to me.

I was about to walk out when he stopped me. "Henry, not too far, yeah?" I nodded before grabbing a hammer and heading out. Lu greeted me with a simple grunt before I got to work on the tent. I hammered the last peg down before standing up and looking at my work.  The tent was big, but I wasn't sure if it would hold Lu by himself. "Lu," I called, his head instantly whipping to my direction. "Come here, please." He trudged over and stared curiously at the tent. I zipped the flap open and held it up, pointing inside. He gave me an unsure look, but crawled in anyway. Luckily, he did fit, but there was barely enough room for the both of us. "Henry!" Jared exclaimed from behind me and I Instictiveley swung my head back to meet him. I smashed the back of my head into his nose, causing him to holler in pain.

"Oh my god- sorry!" I exclaimed, watching as blood started pouring out of his nose. Rita and Clarke rushed over to see what happened just as the tent started rumbling and Lu flopped out. "Ah, f-- it's all good, I snuck up on you.." he groaned as Clarke handed him a few tissues. I ushered him to sit down on a log by the small campfire. I apologized profusely for the next few minutes, as Rita calmed down from her laughing fit. "You camping out tonight?" Jared ask, obviously sick of me apologizing. I nodded, glancing over to Lu who was staring down at Rita. "Maybe we should too! Make it a family thing!" Clarke chimed in making me snort. "But you hate camping!" I pointed out. He scoffed. "I love camping! I just hate sleeping in tents. They're so confined!"

I rolled my eyes and watched as Rita came skipping over. "Camping? I'm in!" She beamed. I didn't have a problem with that, aside from the fact that I'd have to put up with Rita and Clarke's arguments. "We could have a barbeque, too!" Jared chimed in, looking comical with the tissue still covering up his face. "I'll go tell Al!" Clarke announced before trudging over to the caravan. Rita gave me an apologetic look to which I just shrugged. Lu walked over to us and poked my cheek, trying to get my attention. Rita gave him a quizzical look. "Hen." He mumbled while signalling me to follow him. I bit down on my lip to refrain from squealing about how cute he was and followed him.

He lead me to the edge of the caravan park and where the forest started, stretching for miles. "Lu, what are we doing?" I asked, taking his large hand with mine. "Home." He stated, looking between me and the woods. Not this again. "Lu, there's nothing out there for miles, let's just stay here for awhile. Then you can..." I didn't end my sentence. This man probably had a family that was desperately looking for him. He must have friends who are still in shock. We didn't belong together. I was just helping him out. I have to remember that.

He made a small huff as I dragged him back to our little campsite. I stupidly set our tent up nowhere near the campfire, so I'd have to take it down and set it up again. Clarke had told Alan and apparently he said it was great idea, and we could all have a night out. Rita, Clarke and Jared went home to get their camping stuff while I went to get some wood for the campfire. I flinched at every sound, still on high alert from what had happened at the mall. Lu was by my side, which put me at ease. Once I decided I had enough I booked it back to the campfire and dumped the logs on the ground. I noticed Alan walking out with Sam out of the corner of my eye. "Henry!" He called and I reluctantly walked over, Lu following me like a shadow. "Sam needs to help getting the barbeque, mind if you help? I gotta make a dash for some sausages." He asked before patting me on the back and running off to his car. My eyes landed on Sam who had a passive smile. I smiled back, to be polite and helped him carry the barbeque over to our little campsite.

"So tell me, Henry, how long were you guys together?" He asked seemingly out of nowhere. I swallowed thickly. "Well, he had a crush on me throughout our entire time in high school, then we started dating in college, so five years?" I responded, trying my best not to sound snippy. "Then  he dumped you," I froze in place at his statement. I nodded while brushing my hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear. He didn't exactly dump me, he left without saying a word. I looked up at Lu with a pleading look but of course he didn't understand. "You seemed to have recovered quick though, especially now that you got yourself a new man,"

My eyebrows shot up and my cheeks heated up a few. "He is not my boyfriend." I bit out. Lu grunted, his only input on this situation. "Friends with benefits I guess.." he sighed, trailing off. I wasn't one to anger easily but he was proving me wrong. "What was Alan like when you first met him?" I asked, desperately trying to take the conversation else where. He sighed while shrugging. "Well, we met at a club and he was the one to approach me,"

"We fucked, we talked, we kissed- all that stuff. He then told me he had someone back home!" He continued. My eyebrows shot up and I felt a sting in my chest. "I was mad of course so we spent some time apart. Then he started talking about why he left that special someone, turns out you're that special someone and-" My head whipped to the side. "You know why he left?" I asked. He simply nodded again. Alan told him but closes up like a clam when I try to ask him! I scoffed and turned around, walking away with Lu slinking behind me.

This is grade-A bullshit.

We have officially hit 300 followers (and a bit)!! I'm so thankful for all the support and love you have all shown in the comments so I want to do something special! Comment on here or on my profile wall as to what I should do! (I.e shorts on either this book or Their Fae on any character!)

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