Part Five: Open your eyes!

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"So he showed up at your doorstep?" Clarke asked with a certain suspicion. I nodded for the umpteenth time and watched as Lu devoured the entire plate of bacon. "That's weird.." he muttered.

Tell me about it. "There's something about him. Like this connection that I can't let go of." I sighed. Clarke frowned and cursed. "Is there a problem? You guys have been acting weirdly all morning! And at the clinic!" I groaned, snapping him out of his weird stare. "Alan has totally gotten into your head!"

He sighed. "I am just looking out for you. You're my friend and you barely know this man!" He exclaimed. My eyes rolled back into my head. I'm sick of hearing the same thing over and over again. "Just look at him! He's completely harmless!" I argued, our eyes darting over to the giant who was curiously poking the toast. "The only thing dangerous about him are those looks.." I muttered under my breath but Clarke had incredible hearing. Actually, now that I think of it, all of them had good hearing. "You can't be serious! What about Alan?" He cried.

"Okay, I am serious. I waited for a whole year. I'm done waiting around for him." I seethed. He gave me an apprehensive look. I was still with Alan when I started work at the Clinic so it wasn't a surprise when they became good friends. "He still cares for you, Henry." Clarke mumbled. I pursed my lips into a thin line. He's been back for less than a week and he was already making my head spin. "Yeah well if he did then he wouldn't have just left,"

I left Clarke behind me and joined Lu who was nibbling away at a piece of toast. I looked him up and down, noticing he still had his torn clothes. He was bigger than both me and Alan and my clothes certainly wouldn't fit him so I'd have to make do with Alan's. He would definitely mind but I could care less.

"Lu," I said while taking his hand. He dropped what he was doing. "Let's Go inside and get you into something less... breezy." I muttered before leading him into the caravan which shifted once he stepped up. I ushered him into the very small bedroom where the drawer was squished into the corner. He clearly wouldn't have fit so we compromised by having him stand in the kitchen while I offered him clothes. I got a pair of grey shorts, as Alan's jeans certainly wouldn't fit him. I then picked out the biggest shirt I could find which was a black with a small yellow umbrella hand-sewn on.

I stuck the pile or clothes out, to which he turned his head to the side in rejection. "Here, you need to get out of those clothes." I urged to which he gave no reaction. He huffed, his ebony curls blowing out of his face. "Look, it's just for today. Tomorrow we can go shopping!" I pleaded but he didn't budge.

"Stinks." Was all he said. I reluctantly brought it to my nose and sniffed. It didn't smell at all! It smelt like Alan, coconut surfboard wax. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "If you put these on I'll cook more bacon." I compromised. He practically snatched the pile of clothes out of my hands and began to strip, infront of me. I quickly turned around and covered my face with my hands as if turning around wasn't enough. He poked my shoulder, telling me he was done. I was right, the clothes were way too tight for him but at least they weren't falling apart.

He stared me down with anticipation. "Bacon." He demanded, pulling me closer. I felt a small blush surfacing as he firmly held me against his warm chest. I didn't think as to what I was saying, I just wanted him to put the damn clothes on. There wasn't anymore bacon left so I'd have to call Alan. I frowned, not wanting to call him but I hadn't eaten either and I didn't want half-eaten toast. "O-Okay, I'll get more bacon," I stammered. He didn't let me go for another minute, his eyes lingering on mine. Once he let me go I skipped over to the bedroom, spotting my phone on the small dresser.

I picked it up and searched up Alan's contact. Old, suppressed memories came flooding back to me as I stared at his phone number. For months on end I'd sit at the end of my bed glaring daggers at my phone waiting for him to pick up. I'd cry, somehow expecting him to pick up but he never did. Anxiety built up inside me as it rung for a few times before he picked up.


I let go of my breath, not even realizing I was holding onto it. "Hi Alan.." I muttered, my lip trembling. Why was I on the verge of crying? It was only a few minutes ago I was talking to him face to face. "Henry? Is everything okay?" He asked with worry. "Yeah, e-everything's okay. Could you get some bacon?" I asked, my voice wavering before I broke down crying. I sat down on his bed with tears streaming down my face and my nose running. "I'm coming back, we need to talk." He stated before hanging up.

Why was I having a breakdown? Maybe it was the suppressed memories or the feeling of dread, expecting him to not pick up. How am I supposed to trust him again when at any moment he could vanish again? Lu rushed to see what was up, almost toppling the caravan. He didn't fit so I came to him, wrapping my arms around his huge form. Lu gave me this weird sense of comfort that I happily accepted.

We stood there long after I stopped sobbing just soaking in the science, and eachothers company. We didn't seperate until we heard a car pulling up and the caravan door swinging open. We didn't say much either, he just held me tightly. I bit back a small sob as he gently stroked the back of my head. "Is everything okay?" A voice asked behind us. I moved my head to the side to see who it was. He looked around my age, with big brown eyes and dainty features. He was slightly taller than me, and had alabaster skin. His blonde curls were tied up in a messy bun and his faint pink lips pursed into a thin line.

"We're fine," Alan sighed, turning around the face the stranger. "Just go hang with others, okay? I just need to sort a few things out," he spoke, earning a nod from the guy.

"Thanks babe,"

I unraveled my hands from around his waist, giving a confused look to both Alan and this guy. I was confused, and slightly miffed. Alan has only ever called me babe.

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