Part Seven: Shopping

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I asked Alan if I could use his car to which he said yes to so long as I brought it back in one peice. Then he went back to talking with his new boyfriend. Rita wanted to tag along since she had some money to spend so all three of us piled into the car. Lu took the front so Rita was sitting in the back when she gasped. "What the hell!"

I looked back as I brought the car to life with the turn of a key and paled at what I saw. Rita positioned herself as far away as she could from the pair of black lace panties strewn on the leather seat. "Alan is so disgusting!" She groaned, using her foot to kick the garments away from her. I looked up at Lu who didn't seem too fazed by it but I certainly was. Instead of voicing my thoughts I bit down on my tongue and scrunched my face up in disgust. "They probably belong to Sam." She drawled with her nose all wrinkled.

Since the mall was a bit far from the caravan park we made small talk, Lu deciding not the join in, only sparing unreadable looks towards me. "Alan decided he wanted to talk about the incident." I spoke up earning the blonde. I could just about see her warm brown eyes widen in shock. "He did?! What did he say?" She asked. She seemed a little too worried. "Well...he said a lot without really explaining anything. He told me.." I trailed off, staring dead infront of me as we passed a ton of roadkill. "He told you what?" She asked again.

"He told me it wasn't my fault."

She slowly nodded and sank back into the leather seat, crossing her arms. "And what'd you do?" I shrugged trying to mask my subtle anger. Making sure I didn't accidentally go over the speed limit, my grip on the wheel tightened. "I forgave him." I answered. "What?!" She shrieked catching me off guard. I breathed a sigh of relief when I spotted the mall entrance come into view. "Henry! He left you! Then came back with a replacement!" I rolled my eyes as I parked and hopped out, walking over to the other side and helping Lu out the car, watching as the entire vehicle shook while he squeezed out the door. "Sam isn't my replacement. They seem happy together," I excused with a fake smile as all three of us started for the entrance. "Clarke and Jared may be oblivious but I ain't!" She huffed, placing her hands on her hips, stopping in the middle of the road. It was funny seeing the petite blonde all angry. Her and Clarke often got into fights.

"Look, I'm just going to say it," she started. "Sam seems like a slut and Alan is a man-whore." Lu raised a brow at Rita, the only other face he has shown to someone other than me.  A car honked with an angry man inside yelling at Rita to get off the road. "I'm having a fucking conversation!" She yelled back, flipping him the bird and striding over to me. I chuckled, grabbing Lu's hand and dragging him into the mall. There were tons of clothing stores I could take him to so Rita decided to pick for me, dragging us along. "Reet.." I mumbled, watching as she disappeared between the isles. I walked over to the woman hanging over by a desk in hopes she'd be able to get something that fit Lu. She was sharply dressed, with a neat black bun and bold red glasses. Her lips were thin and her eyes held an expecting look.

"How may I help you?" She inquired, looking briefly at me then up at Lu. Her deep blue eyes widened in a look of shock. This woman was giving me bad vibes. Her skin was ghostly pale and her voice snobbish and ice-cold. Lu growled and turned to leave, dragging me along with him. "Hey!" I called out, trying to rip myself from his hold but he was stupidly strong. I looked back to notice the woman quickly snatching her phone and dialing a number while staring at us. Rita showed up beside me, ushering away as well. "A little help?" I asked. Rita had a frown like before but this one was different. I couldn't quite put my finger on it be her whole demeanor changed. "That woman is no good. We should go somewhere else."

I rolled my eyes. Another episode of my friends acting weird. Rita didn't seem to have the same grudge agaisnt Lu, that or she didn't let it show which she usually did. She also didn't like Sam so I guess that was a plus. We visited other stores which I happily spent money on both myself and Lu. I got him jeans and he seemed to really like v-neck shirts so I got him a few of those. When it came to underwear I sheepishly held it up to him and just got him a few that seemed the right size. Rita got a few things and not long after, big bags were dangling off our arms and we were heading home when I noticed something in the corner of my eye. A bulky pale dude in a security guard outfit was staring down at us with a menacing glare.

I thought nothing of it until I saw a few others staring at me. The lady from before was watching us carefully, failing to cover up her gaze by the newspaper she was holding. There was a young man holding a few bags with a piercing gaze that sent chills down my spine. Lu seemed to notice too, his chest vibrating from the growl he was letting out. Rita was also on high alert as she picked up her pace, urging us forward. What the hell was going on? Why were there so many people staring at us? We made it outside where a woman dressed in police gear stopped us before we could cross the road. "Due to police protocol I am going to have to search your bags," she snipped, a familiar French accent coming forth. Rita's face was red with anger. "Police protocol?! What kind of bullshit is this?!" She seethed. I could've sworn I heard her growl just like Lu. "Ma'am, if you carry on like this I am going to place you under arrest for obstruction." The woman warned.

They continued the bicker as I looked back, my hand gripping Lu's tightly. All those people were catching up to us, and I began to panic. It was a flight or fight reaction and I chose flight, pushing pass the police officer and booking it to the car. Rita was surprisingly faster than me and got their first. "Chuck the goddamn keys!" She urged. I did as she said and threw the keys. She caught them and skid inside the car which Lu and I didnt shortly after. We were crammed together but that didn't matter as Rita started the car up and zoomed out the  car park.

I glanced out the window and witnessed all those people gathering where our car was once parked, watching us drive away in a creepy manor.

What the hell was that?!

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