Part Four: Secrets

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The morning sun caused my eyes to crack open, even just the slightest. The smell sizzling bacon and burnt toast wafted it's way up my nose earning my full attention. I stretched in the unfamiliar bed before getting up and walking into a small kitchen. The stove was still on, cooking the bacon but no one was in site. I turned the gas off and the toaster wouldn't budge. I looked around and the memories of last night started to sink in. This wasn't my home. My home was broken into and trashed.

I heard laughing outside, encouraging me to open the door. Outside, sitting around with drinks in their hands were Jared, Clarke and Rita. "Henry! You finally woke up!" Clarke greeted while rushing over to me and embracing me in a hug. "We heard what happened. Alan called us." Jared explained. I wiped the rest of the sleep from my eyes "Thanks guys."

They all beamed at me and I swear their eyes seemed to glow. I must still be in shock. "Do you guys know where Alan is?" I asked. "He went shopping. Ran out of milk." Jared sighed. "He wanted to make you a special breakfast." Rita chimed in. I smiled. The idiot forgot to turn off the stove and his toaster ate up the toast.

"Here, have a drink!" Clarke cheered, passing me a water. I sat down, barefoot on the damp gravel. We talked for awhile, about work, family just normal things. Jared explained how mad our boss was when he had to explain that I broke the bench. I sighed. Then the conversation took a weird turn. They started talking about weird movie stuff, mainly about the supernatruals. They talked about Werewolves and Vampires things like that. "What do you say, Henry? Do ya believe in things like this?" Clarke asked, snapping me out of my distracted trance. "Werewolves and witches? Come on guys. Those belong in movies and stories!" I laughed.

I expected them to laugh with me. Surely they were joking. But they didn't laugh, in fact, they just sat their with deadpan looks. Thankfully a vintage looking car pulled up and out stepped Alan with a reusable shopping bag. "Henry! You're awake!" He exclaimed. I walked over and hugged him, this time no chilling touch. "I was going to make you a breakfast."

I nodded. "I know." I muttered. He slipped off his glasses and smiled at the others. "I'm going to put this in the fridge. I'll be right back." He said before departing. I was about to join the others again when I noticed a figure in the woods not too far from the trailer. "I'll be right back.." I mumbled before heading off. This wasn't exactly the smartest idea but again I felt something pulling me closer. Once I got close enough to make out who it was I broke out into a full on sprint. My feet ached from the gravel but it was worth it. "Lu!" I yelled with glee. I had completely forgotten about him and what happened last night. He just ran off after those thugs. "Hen." He muttered, slowly placing his hands on my back as I hugged him.

"I got so worried! Where did you go?" I asked. I pulled away and started into his somehow warm grey orbs. His big hand brushed over my wounded cheek. He didn't answer, only made huffed. He had leaves and sticks all tangled in his jungle-like hair. "Have you been out all night?!"

He nodded with his same mutual look. "Come, Alan has some food." I urged. Once I dragged him to the trailer and to my friends who all seemed less than surprised to see him. They all just stared at him. Why were they acting do weirdly? Alan walked out with the pan over overcooked bacon with a smile that was wiped off so easily that it bothered me. What was with him and his grudge against Lu?

It was silent for a while, broken only until Alan spoke up. "Henry, I burnt the toast and we need something for this bacon. Mind making some more?" Alan asked in a sort of demanding voice. I nodded and told Lu I'd be right back. I entered the trailer and made sure the toaster was working. I just prayed the toast didn't get stuck in this goddamn deathtrap.

I had successfully made enough toast that in my opinion was enough so I headed out with plate, when I heard Alan groan. It was the voices of all my friends interrogating Lu. Eavesdropping has become all too natural for me. I couldn't quite make out what they were saying but I did make out some things they were saying.

"Is he your Mate?"

"Why are you on pack lands?

"You're not allowed here."

I rolled my eyes. That last bit was Alan. I burst out the door, almost dropping the plate of toast. "Are you guys interrogating him?!" I accused, setting the plate down next to the bacon. All four of them were circled around Lu like vultures. They all turned around.

"Henry, we were just talking-" Jared started. "Talking? You were asking him a bunch of questions! And what the hell are 'pack lands?" I asked in the same tone they were using. They all just looked around for answers. "Come on Alan! This petty fued was stupid enough but now you roped them into it?"

The red-head frowned. "Sorry, Henry. I'm just hungry. Bothered, y'know?" He excused. "There's plenty of food right here," I said while pointing to the food. "I'm not in the mood for that." He retorted. I scoffed. The Alan I know would never turn down food no matter what it was.

Lu trudged over to me and shot another incredulous look at Alan. "Hen." He muttered again, his eyes lingering on mine. I bit down on my lip. "I'm gonna go get food." Alan mumbled before getting back in his car and sped off.

"Yes Lu?" I answered. "Something. In the woods.." he mumbled. I glanced over to the cut off that seperated the trailer-park from the forest. "What is it? Did you see someone?" I asked suddenly worried. "No. Home." He looked down at me with all seriousness. I scoffed. "I think you're in shock Lu. There's nothing in these woods for miles. Just acres of trees." I retorted. I was still so mad at Alan. Why was he acting so weirdly?

"Here, have some bacon!" I chirped, holding some of the meat before his face. Instead of taking it he plucked it right from my fingers with his mouth. He licked his lips before his eyes lit up. "I like bacon."

Great. He likes bacon.

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