Part Nine: The Wolf

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The others came back, saving me from another long conversation with Sam. I didn't say much because I was pissed. Why couldn't he just tell me? Maybe I was an idiot for forgiving him so easily. The sun began to set so we decided to start up the barbeque and as promised Alan came back with sausages. The wonderful smell of meat cooking filled the cold night air causing my stomach to rumble. The small groans was nothing compared to the roars emitting from Lu's stomach which made me laugh every time he frowned and looked down at his abdomen.

I was starting to question where he came from. He ate the food from his plate like it was the last meal of earth and his eyes lit up as if it was the first time eating such a thing. He was a man of very few words so I didn't bother asking him about it. Rita and Clarke bickered, Jared laughed at the jokes Alan made and Lu ate my remaining food. It was a full moon tonight, so it wasn't too dark but I was still slightly paranoid. There was laughter and conversation, the two main ingredients for a great night. I was exhausted towards the end so I decided to retire. "C'mon, Henry! We we're just about to tell scary stories!" Alan coaxed. I rolled my eyes. "I'm tired, Alan." I brushed off before opening the flap to my tent and sliding in. I fixed up my sleeping bag and changed into my PJ's, making sure that the entrance was zipped up when I did.

Lu managed to get it open, just as I managed to slip on my shirt. "Don't you want to stay up a little longer? There's still more food," I offered, only getting a grunt in response. It was a tight squeeze with the two of us but we'll make it work. He stood up, obscuring his top half from view. He was trying to get his shirt off but failing miserably. I grinned, hopping out to help him. I felt the rest of the group's eyes burning into my back as I helped him slip of the shirt. He tugged of his pants and we got into the tent, our bodies forced together just to fit into the tent. I shuffled around a bit, my cheek pressed up against his chest. My cheeks darkened at our awkward situation.

Lu didn't seem to mind, so I tried to ignore it. He was warm, and that have me some comfort. I started to inspect each light pink scar that covered his chest. Eventually my eyelids became weights and I fell asleep.


My body awoke with the need to relieve my bladder. However, the one thing I instantly noticed was the giant form next to me was missing. I couldn't feel his warmth. My eyes slid open, with a small haze obscuring my view. I sat up while rubbing my eyes.  "Lu?" I called out. Maybe he decided to stay out with the others but there wasn't the faint orange flow outside. I opened up the tent, shivering when the cold air nipped at my skin. My bare feet felt sensitive to the cold gravel beneath me so I hurriedly walked over to Rita's tent. "Rita? You awake?" I whisper-yelled. I got no answer, and I couldn't hear her rather loud snoring so I zipped it open and found it to be empty. I did the same with Clarke and Jared's tent but they were all empty. I didn't bother with Alan's tent.

I looked up to the sky, specifically the large full moon that seemed brighter than other nights. Maybe it was because it was because this was my first time camping in awhile and I've only seen it occasionally from inside my house. My bladder reminded me I needed to pee so I tried the caravan door but it wouldn't budge. Alan must of locked it. Idiot. I resorted to going outside, briskly walking over to the forest-edge and did my business by a bush. I finished up and started hearing for the tent when I heard a twig snap just behind me. Normally, I'd run away but I stupidly turned around, giving away the fact that I heard whatever it was out there. I almost screamed when I saw large blue eyes staring at me. The thing showed it's massive head, the moonlight showing of it's form. A gigantic wolf was practically five feet away from me, glaring at me as if I was food. It moved passed the bushes, showing off just how big it was. I stumbled back, at a loss for words. It moved slowly, like every step it took was part of a plan. My foot met a large rock and I fell backwards, grazing the skin on my elbows for the impact of gravel.

I was in shock. All I could do was whimper as I desperately tried to drag myself away from the beast. It quickly caught up, towering above me. Fear made my heart stop and made the already cold temperature feel like an icy knife. It peered down at me, with it's big blue eyes, bringing it's large head closer. This could be my death. A single tear slipped down my cheek as I turned my face away. I felt it's hot breath agaisnt my cheek while I awaited my untimely demise. I let out another whimper, it's wet nose poking me neck. Then, out of nowhere it made a low whine then began nuzzling my neck. I froze up again, unsure of what to do. Fear was still flowing through me so I just let it do whatever it was doing.

He stepped back, allowing me to stand up. I was urging myself to make a run for it back to the caravan but thanks to Alan it was locked. I started back away, very slowly but that elicited a growl. I stopped dead in my tracks, it's pointed ears flopping a bit. I took it as a sign that I shouldn't move. It trudged behind me and nosed my ass causing me to jolt forward. This had to be a dream. Wolves haven't been sighted in these parts of the woods in years. Why would one want me to follow it into said woods? This is too bizarre. I reluctantly followed the wolf still in fear for my life, it moving from behind me to my side. It nuzzled the top of it's gigantic head against my palm. It was acting more like a dog then a wolf but at least that meant I was about to get eaten, for now. If this was a dream, I had nothing to worry about. If it wasn't, it was probably a very realistic acid trip.

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