Part Seventeen: The Truth

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Dazed and drifting in and out of consciousness I couldn't tell if what I had just saw really was real. I felt horrible for being scared of Lu but if what I saw was my reality then I had all the reason to be scared of him.

I had the feeling I was being moved by the way my head lolled and swung from side to side. The uncomfortable feeling of blood lingered and the pain in my head only got worse. Something was making me feel delirious and I started muttering things out of nowhere. Did I really hurt my head that bad?

I had that horrible feeling of nothing able to do anything. It was scarier than a man trying to kidnap me and Lu turning into a beast. It was more horrifying then the one you loved disappearing for a whole year. I wanted to scream out for help but I couldn't find my voice. Eventually I stopped trying to call out and let the silence engulf me. There was a static sound and a prickly feeling before everything went still.


"Can he hear us?"

"What if he's stuck like this?"

"Shut up, Jared! You're always thinking of the worst things!"

Noise slowly trickled back and I finally felt some movement in my hand. "He's waking up! Shut up now," A familiar voice warned. I low groan vibrated in my chest as my left eye opened first. Light pierced my vision and everything was white for a few seconds before I slowly began to make out the shapes of Rita, Jared and Clarke. I blinked a couple of times then shot up so quickly I almost fell off the comfortable surface I was on. "Woah, woah! Henry calmed down!" Clarke exclaimed, gently tugging me back onto the bed. How did I get here?

Rita started talking about something but I wasn't listening. I started shivering for some odd reason then I suddenly erupted in tears. What the hell was happening?

I couldn't stop thinking about Lu and the horrible sound of flesh ripping and bones snapping. "A-Am I going i-insane?" I asked between sobs. I felt dizzy, confused and hurt. "Go get the pills!" Jared yelled at Clarke who quickly stumbled out of view. "Just lay down, Henry. You're okay now." He reassured me.

I rested my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. My body began to ache all over as my neck and my head began booming with pain. Rita took a small light purple pill and a glass of water from Clarke as another pillow was propped under my head. "This'll help with the pain." She explained while giving it to me. I quickly popped it on my mouth and downed the entire glass of water. I wanted this weird pain to just go away!

After a minute or two I felt drowsy. They gave me a blanket to help with this strange shiver I had and then left for another room, saying if I needed anything I just needed to shout.

Where was Lu? Did he bring me here or did they find me passed out in my backyard? More fucking questions!

Before I let my mind rest and give into sleep I did my best to listen in on the conversation they were having.

"Is this normal for humans? I know they get super sick after they discover us but I didn't realize it was this bad!" Clarke mumbled.

"I've heard stories and it's definitely worse than this. Henry must be handling this well, considering he must've seen Lu." Jared commented. His voice was somehow hopeful and doubtful.

"That goddamn rogue fucked up everything. Now Henry might hate us and expose our secret!" I heard Rita sigh. I found myself feeling hurt though I had no clue on what their secret was.

"Do we call Alan over? I'm sure he'll want to be here when Henry wakes up," One of the boys suggested. My hearing was being affected by whatever they gave me. All my senses were. "Are you insane?! Alan will be the last one he wants to see." Rita objected.

All noise started to distort into morph into one big mass of words. I stopped trying to listen in and let myself rest, finally feeling all those horrible symptoms fade away.


Sleep, as it turned out, was no better than being awake. I had horrible nightmares of all sorts of scenarios. In one, I had just been running through the woods. I had no idea why I was running but I did know that if I didn't I'd die. It seem to last forever, only stopping once I found myself at the edge of a cliff, surrounded by wolves.

In another I was strapped to a freezing metal table and had all sorts of tubes extracting dark red liquid from various places on my body. That one had lasted the longest. All I could was watch as I slowly bled to death.

The worst one was just being forced to watch Lu transform into that beast. The sky flickered between day and night, the trees swayed with such force that I thought they were going to be ripped from the ground and the horrible sound of flesh tearing only got louder.

Thankfully, I woke up again. I couldn't decided whether that crazy flush of sickness was worse than my very realistic nightmares. I decided to keep my mind occupied by trying to look for my friends. I couldn't hear them close by so I kept searching.

I could easily tell this was Jared's house by the familiar interior and the numerous photos of his family he had everywhere. I made my way into the kitchen and grabbed myself a glass of water just to get rid of my horrible dry throat. I then fumbled for the back of my head, feeling a large bandage and then noticed I was wearing a different shirt. Mine must have been soaked with blood.

I heard voices coming from somewhere in the house, though they were hushed. I did my best to follow them, making my way over to the living room, then the dining room where the back door was open.

"What will we tell him? He saw Lu. The pill we have him means he'll be able to see what we really look like," Clarke sighed. There were some other sighs and then a groan. What they really look like?

"If you guys just handed him over to your pack then he wouldn't have fucked everything up!" Alan's voice came through.

"You know damn well that we aren't welcomed back there anymore." Jared sneered. I had never heard him raise his voice at Alan. I pushed through the door and onto the patio where all my friends were seated at a table.

"Henry!" Rita cried, quickly adverting her gaze. I was still holding the glass when I felt my fingers quiver. What was wrong with their eyes? Clarke's were a startling bright green- different from his usual dull greyish ones. Rita was the same, her brown eyes now gone. Jared stared at me with shame, not bothering to look away. His eyes were gold!

"Henry, wait-" Alan tried to intervene but it was too late. I looked at him, and I stopped my glass, bits of glass flying everywhere. He gave off the same vibe and energy the other man did. He didn't look naturally pale but sickly, his features seemed to be sunken in and white teeth slightly poked at his bottom lip. He looked horrifying.

"I think I'm going fucking insane."

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