Part Two: Wounded Puppy

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Lu could barley fit in my car sitting upwards so he had to lay down. He had trouble not laying on his wound so that took an extra long time trying to manage him. I slumped into the driver's seat and hit the gas. I observed him through the mirror and watched as every sound or every pump frightened him. Weird. I told him we had to go to a doctor but he wouldn't budge. I gave up after he found out how to lock the car while I was still outside so I decided to treat him myself and drive him to work.

We reached my workplace, a Pet Clinic, and slammed the brakes, choosing the closest available parking space to the entrance. I hopped out the car and helped Lu get out. As we entered the clinic I was bombarded by my work colleagues. Jared worked behind the counter who simply gave me a weird looked but as for Rita and Clarke? They seemed to have no patients today and decided to bother me.

"Henry? I thought it was your day off?" Rita pointed out the obvious. Before I could answer Clarke interrupted. "Woah! Who's this hunk?" He shrieked. Lu snarled at him or shot a death-glare to anyone that approached us. "Guys, I really to help him out. He's hurt."  I urged while pulling him through the lobby and into a room. I patted the metalic bench and told him to hop on. He took it 'hop on' literally and jumped onto the bench, effectively leaving a dent then it collapsed causing a loud crash.

"Oh my god!" I yelled. How heavy is this man? Lu sat there on the floor looking dissapointed. "Hey, i-it's fine," I lied. It wasn't. This was going to come out of my pay check and I'd get a yelling from my boss. "Just sit on the stool, alright?"

He nodded and took my hand. He sat down on the creaky stool, his cool gray eyes locked onto me. "I'm going to take off your shirt now." I told him earning an unsure look. I grabbed the end of his shirt and gradually slid it upwards. Raising his arms his shirt slipped off easily and I could take a look at his infected wound. I pulled on the standard blue gloves and my glasses. His chest had even more small pink scars everywhere.

"Can you tell me how you got this?" I asked, watching as his skin got goosebumps with my touch. He was silent until I looked up at him. "Wolf bite." He muttered. I gave him a confused look. "You mean a dog bite? Did a dog bite you?" I asked. There's no way he had gotten this close to a wolf and only gotten a bite, even if it was quite large. He frowned. "Wolf." He muttered. I ignored him and continued with my work.

I cleaned the wound and wrapped it up. I didn't have the proper medication for him as this was still a Pet Clinic so a quick stop at the drug store was in order. I threw the gloves away and stuffed my glasses in my pocket and headed out. I stopped before the door, hearing whispers. I tried to listen in but gave up, slamming the door onto Clarke's face. "Fuck Henry!" He yelled earning the attention of the few patients and their pets.


"What the hell happened in there?!" Rita gasped, peering over my shoulder and examining the broken bench. "There must've been a weak leg.." I lied.

She groaned.

Clarke swore.

"You're going to have to tell the boss.." Rita said with a hint of sympathy. I nodded. "I'll just ask Jared to tell him," I said. I couldn't be bothered to stand in his office for half an hour and have spit drench me while he yelled. I walked over to Jared who gave me a quick smile while Lu followed me around like a dog on a leash. "Hi Henry!" The teen chirped. "Hi Jared, I have a favor to ask.."

After I told him what happened he took a quick look at Lu and nodded. They exchanged a long stare before he nodded again. "Yeah, I'll be sure to tell the boss." He said. I thanked him before leaving. I drove to the closest drug store and got what Lu needed before driving back to my house.

Pulling up to my drive way I noticed a very angry red-head at my door with his arms folded. I parked my car in the garage then craned my neck to check on Lu who had a frown. "It's fine, I'll deal with him." I reassured. I expected a smile but instead his frown just disappeared. I sighed before leaving th car and helping him out again. I opened the front door and let Alan in. "Where were you? I got so worried!" He exclaimed. "Where is he? Did he hurt you?"

I rolled my eyes. "He didn't even touch me! He's in the lounge room watching TV." I explained. His brows furrowed in frustration. "He was hurt. I helped him."

He walked passed and to my relief didn't harass him again. He just stared at him with disgust. "I don't get what's so bad about him! Why don't you like him?" I asked. The Alan I know wouldn't just dislike and judge someone with one quick look. Then again he left for a year. A lot can happen in a year.

"Tell me, what do you know about him?" He asked. "I- uhh, I know his name. Lu." I responded getting anxious. "Is that all? C'mon Henry! He could be a murderer!" The red-head yelled. "If he was, he would have murdered me by now! Just lay off okay! J-Just stop!"

"Stop what?"

"This! Acting like you didn't leave me alone for a year! You don't get to judge my actions anymore!" I yelled. The air suddenly felt heavy and thick. Tears pooled in my eyes and spilt onto my shirt. "We were still in a goddamn relationship! Boyfriends! You didn't even say goodbye!" I screamed, my voice becoming coarse.

"Henry I-"

"Get out."

He stared at me with uncertainty and sadness. "Get out!" I screamed. I opened the door and shoved him out. I slammed the door and continued to bawl my eyes out. I sat next to Lu and weirdly enough rested my head on his shoulder and watched whatever he was watching. He didn't mind, at least I don't think. He just made a small huff.

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