Part Nineteen: An Attack

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After the chat in the living room I told them I was tired and left for upstairs. When I reached the spare room I debated on whether to lock the door behind me. However I felt bad, so I just closed the door and placed an extra pillow by the door, just so I'd know if they'd open the door if I fell alseep.

I couldn't explain why but a safeguard like that made me feel a little more comfortable, even if in reality it made me a bad person for not feeling safe in a friends house.

Thankfully for me the window was right by the bed, so I just sat on the cool blankets and stared out at the window. I didn't know what to feel- I didn't know what to do! Looking at the dried leaves down by the porch was at least something.

My house was no longer a safe spot, I felt like I couldn't trust anyone at this point and my whole world might have been a lie. First I find out that my friends are supernatrual beings, my life is at risk and that I have been living my entire life clueless about a whole different world! I wanted to just dig a massive whole and lie in it.

It felt like hours went by, just staring down at the ground and watching the occasional squirrel scurry up a tree. No one came to check on me and I just settled in the quietness. Although I was staring directly outside it felt like I had lost all sense of time, and everything just melted into one. Eventually my eyes started to droop and I felt my body become heavy, so I laid back and let my mind drift into a dreamless sleep.


A soft ticking noise was what inevitably woke me up, with a soft scratch like beat. I almost jumped twenty feet thinking someone was tapping at my window. However, it was just a tiny branch from a nearby tree swaying almost violently in the wind. There seemed to be an oncoming storm as ominous dark clouds rolled in. They blotched out the sky and were so big that they looked like they could engulf the house.

A soft knock at the door jolted me from my look outside and brought me back to reality. I somehow felt tired even after my nap but I had enough energy to face whoever was at the door. Even if it was Alan.

"Come in," I called and the door instantly swung open, revealing Rita with a bowl of something delicious-smelling. She smiled awkwardly and shut the door behind her with a reassuring click.

"How you goin'?" She asked, setting the bowl aside and sitting at the end of the bed.

"Weird, if I'm being honest." I admitted, avoiding eye contact with her. From just the silence I could tell she was frowning. I felt her shuffle around and the sound of cutlery clinking made my stomach involuntarily rumble.

"I made you some porridge. Al said it you usually eat it when you aren't feeling so good so.." she trailed off and handed me the hot bowl. I gladly took it and offered a smile, remembering the many times he made this for me when I was upset. It felt nice to have the heat of the bowl seep into my skin and the familiar smell waft into my face.

"Thanks, Reet. I think this is exactly what I needed." I sighed, briefly looking up to her. She seemed relieved and relaxed rather then tense and serious like earlier. I shovelled a spoonful of the oats and ate in one bite, my stomach rumbling in thanks for the delicious meal. There was only silence as I continued eating with the occasional tapping on the glass.

"How's your foot?" She asked. I wiggled it around and just felt the tiniest sting of pain and shrugged. "It's okay, I guess." I muttered and looked her directly in the eyes. I was actually surprised to see that they were their usual warm brown colour.

She smiled and patted my knee before getting up off the bed and brushing herself off. She started talking, but my gaze drifted to the window and I stared hard outside. I didn't pick up anything she was saying as an almost suffocating feeling took place at the bottom of my stomach. My heart beat quickened and started wondering if this porridge was spiked with something.

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