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"LET ME HELP YOU CLEAN UP, COWARD," Charlotte said to Cassandra as people started to leave slowly. Prom was still going on but half of the people left already, and Charlotte offered to stay back and help clean up.

Cassandra chuckled and shook her head, while her and Gordie danced together, "Why do you always call people coward?"

Charlotte shrugged, as she stood beside the dancing couple with a bottle of beer in her hand, "It's fun to say,"

Gordie laughed, as he listened to the two friends talk.

"Anyway, you don't have to worry about anything, you should just go home," Cassandra gave Charlotte a mischievous smile, "with Grizz."

Charlotte rolled her eyes, "Oh stop it, just let me help you clean up,"

Cassandra shook her head, "No, I don't want you to clean up. I just saw you run five laps around the room chasing Valerie, I'm sure you're tired."

Charlotte raised her eyebrows, "Tired? Hell no, I can do another five laps right now if you want me to,"

Cassandra laughed, "Just go home and sleep, Char, and you can help me with making decisions tomorrow morning. It's going to be pitch black dark outside by the time the prom is over.."

Charlotte frowned and narrowed her eyes. She knew Cassandra was referring to her fear of the dark.

"But we'll be together so I'll be fine,"

"Yeah whatever, I don't care what you have to say, I'm the boss right now and I'm ordering you to go home and rest."

Charlotte pursed her lips and stared at Cassandra. The two began to have a staring contest before Charlotte finally sighed.

"Fine, I'll go home, boss," Cassandra smiled in triumph, "But you better make me your famous strawberry milkshake tomorrow morning, I'm craving that."

Cassandra nodded with a wide smile, "Of course, I'll come to Grizz's house with the freshly homemade milkshake in my hand, first thing in the morning."

Charlotte broke into a grin when Cassandra mentioned 'Grizz's house' and nodded, "Pinky promise me."

Cassandra raised an eyebrow as Gordie released Cassandra for a second. He smiled and took a step back to let the two friends make a promise with one another.

"For the milkshake?" Cassandra questioned with a laugh.

Charlotte nodded, "Yes, I'm really craving that milkshake."

Cassandra chuckled and locked pinkies with Charlotte, "I swear, you're so childish sometimes,"

Charlotte shrugged, "Whatever, you still love me."

Cassandra grinned and the two girls wrapped their arms around each other. Charlotte hugged Cassandra tightly and whispered in her ear, "I'm so proud of you Cass, taking the role as our leader in this new place."

Cassandra released a content sigh and hugged Charlotte back, "And I'm proud of you, for being a strong girl in general."

The two released and Charlotte sent Cassandra wink, while also glancing at Gordie, "Well, Gordie, take care of Cassie here, I'm gonna go now, since I'm forced to," Cassandra smiled.

"Love you, Char," Cassandra called out with a wide smile.

Charlotte playfully rolled her eyes as she made her way to Grizz who was waiting for her, "Sure, whatever, I guess I love you too, Cass. Goodnight guys," Charlotte waved to Gordie and Cassandra before heading out with Grizz.

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