Dramione #1

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As I gathered my brother Luke and my friends around the common room I got ready to tell them about my boyfriend Draco I was afraid because I was the youngest and only twelve years old. My brother was four years older then me making him sixteen and I was his responsibility while at school. Luke saw the look on my face and started to worry. I could see his face go from red to blue to purple and back to red as I told him about Draco and me. He gave me a twenty minute speech that I did not listen to about the birds and the bees (what twelve year old wants to hear THAT from her older brother?) then ran from the room crying because my brother was so mad at me he slapped me across the face and told me I better dump Draco if I knew what was good for me.

I ran to my dorm and locked my door behind me. I saw Ginny in there crying saying that she wanted to go home because her boyfriend was cheating on her with Lavender Brown. I told her she was better off without him and she thanked me after deciding to stay. (You see, Ginny and me are best friends. She is a year older but she treats me like her younger sister and helps me though things like my parents divorce and boyfriend stuff) “Ginny can I talk to you” I asked. “Sure what’s up sis?” (Ginny likes to call me sis because we are so close) “Well Draco and I have been dating, Luke and everyone downstairs said I have to break up with him because he’s no good but I think I love him.” (Ginny sees the burse across my face where Luke hit me) “Who did this to you Hermione?

Was it Luke again?” Ginny said worried. “No Ginny it wasn’t Luke I guess I hit my cheek on the night stand last night while I slept” I attempted to lie. “Sis you know you should never lie. First it’s wrong and second you suck at it” Ginny said calmly.

“I know but Luke scares me when he’s mad, when he’s mad he’s MAD Gin please don’t tell him I told you he might get even madder.” I pleaded. As I was talking Ginny got up and left to go downstairs right after I asked her not to cause trouble. As I watched from behind a post on the stairs I saw all the Gryffindor guys stand up against my brother along with Ginny and Luke backed down. I came running to Ginny who picked my up and hugged me tightly.

All the guys “asked” Luke if he had anything to say to me and he apologized to me which I thought was a little rehearsed but I accepted it because I knew that was all I was going to get. As I changed into my robes in my dorm I heard my door open almost silently and I ran to hid behind my door incase it was my brother, only to see Ron and Harry coming to cheek up on me and to see if I was ready for potions class with Professor Snape; whom I have heard is one of the meanest teachers in Hogwarts. As I was walking down the corridor with Ron and Harry they told me how Luke was way out of line and that they support whoever I decide to date and they will try and be nice to him. We walked into Potions and saw Draco in the back row with one empty seat next to him. Ron and Harry sat one row ahead of me while I sat next to Draco.

Harry and Ron keep a close eye on me all class. I was told to “zip it” by Snape and also had detention after school with Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy who picked on me and tormented me through out the hour and a half because I was the newbie at school. I was beaten up in detention by Crabbe and Goyle who threw stuff at me and push and shoved me into walls, slapped me, and punched me. I blacked out. As I started to come to I saw one particular person in front of me trying desperately to get me to come to. As I blink my eyes he calmed down I can feel a warm sticky substance all down my face and arms. I couldn’t move my left leg without wincing at the pain.

He tells me to stay still as he lifts me up and carries me to the Hospital wing. I ask “how long was I out” and he says “five minutes minimum, ten minutes maximum.” “Hermione who did this to you when I got here everyone was gone” he asked as I tried to wipe the blood from my face. I was afraid to answer, I was afraid because of Goyle, Crabbe and Pansy I knew they could beat me up even worse then they already have but I know Draco needed to know. If I don’t tell Draco I know there might be worse consequences down the line ones that are not even imaginable.

“Draco” I said tiredly “Goyle, Crabbe and Pansy…” That’s al I remember before I saw darkness fall over me.  When I woke up I was lying on a cot with twelve people staring at me, Draco, mom, dad, Harry, Ron, Luke, Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore, Fred, George, Ginny and Mrs. Wesley. Everyone hugged me and said they were happy I was awake except Luke who stood in the corner and stayed silent glaring at me. For some strange reason I had a feeling he had something to do with my attack earlier. I asked what day it was and everyone said it was Tuesday and  that I had been unconscious for three weeks and five days and that Mrs. Wesley had just arrived a couple of days ago, everyone else had been in and out between classes and Draco slept here every night.  I was surprised to find out that he had been sleeping there every single night next to me.

I got out of bed and kissed and hugged him I said I loved him and I appreciate that he stayed every night there with me.  He said it was no problem and that he loved me and that he would do whatever it took to win over my parents and brother.  Just then my parents came over and hugged Draco.  They said that they appreciated him staying with me every night while I was knocked out.  Luke sauntered over and punched Draco in the face!

Dramione a love story that should and will never be forgottenWhere stories live. Discover now