The Seer #2

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I told him I doubt it and then it dawned on Jesse as he saw the girls’ clothes on the floor. “Draco where are the kids?” Jesse asked. I told him that they were at school and I also explained to Jesse that Cassandra was a Seer and asked if he could keep an eye on her. I froze with fear as I was told by my brother that he had not seen the triplets for a week or two. Then Cassandra’s voice spoke in my mind “Daddy help us… Voldemort had one of my ex-best friends kidnap us when we went to Hogsmead two weeks ago. Please daddy help us. Damon is horribly injured from trying to protect us. Help! ” I collapsed to the floor as an image of my children played across my mine.

“Draco?” What’s wrong come on lets get you to the hospital. “NO! Jesse! My kids are in danger we have to rescue them now.” I darted for my coat then only to late realized it was a port key and I landed right next to my son. I unbound his hands and we worked on the girls’ hands. I told them to get back to my coat as I saw Voldemort canter out of the corner. They dashed for the coat and that was when I saw them disappear everyone except Damon who stood behind me and watched my back.  I yelled at Damon for not listening and he only screamed back by saying “I’m your son, I lost my mother and there was nothing I could do I’m not leaving here without fight with you. I’m not losing you too; you heard Cassandra’s vision last year.”

Tears flooded my eyes as I realized this was what Cassandra saw last year. I feared for my son’s life for he was only twelve years old and had never even lived yet. That’s when I spoke up and told Voldemort a very important question; “You can kill me if you leave my family alone and let my son leave here untouched.” I heard Damon scream as Voldemort took him by the arm and apparated him back to the house. I looked up as I saw darkness start to fall over me slowly. I awoke in a damp room on the concrete floor. I knew I would never see my family again but I also knew my brother would take care of them.

When I looked around I saw a young girl about my age and I realized the young girl. I never thought I would see this girl again but there six feet away from me was Hermione Jean Granger holding my son Nikolie James Malfoy. I stared in disbelief as I took hold of them. Both of them, I thought to be dead but were clearly alive but just barely. They were sick and freezing. I took out my wand and conjured up two coats to try and warm them. They both explained how Voldemort had used the resurrection stone on them to bring them back to life because they had an important job to do.

I was questioning this statement because I could not believe that Voldemort would bring back the very people he killed to begin with. Just as I was thinking that I saw one other person come in and walk through the cellar doors. There in front of me stood another person who was buried six feet under sold ground in Godrics Hollow Cemetery, “Gellert, How?” I stared at him in awe then I thought resurrection stone. He came over to me and kicked me with full force in the stomach screaming “this is what you get for killing me you jerk!”

I don’t remember anything after that but I remember waking up to me in my bed at my house with my family sitting around me sleeping. I wondered how I got home but I never questioned it because I was with the very family I thought I would never see again. I started to get up but someone stopped me quickly. I looked into the bloodshot eyes of my son Damon. He looked at me with concern in his eyes as he helped me up and carried most of my weight to the bathroom. He gave me a quick hug and helped me back to bed.

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