The Seer #5

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Hermione and I left the children alone in the dining room for a little while, while we went off to talk privately about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (Voldemort). "Hermione how did you escape from Voldemort?" "The dummy forgot to put the protection spell on the dungeon to prevent anyone from using magic to get out. You would think a wizard that strong would think to put a simple charm on the place."

I left it to that for fear of Hermione getting suspicious when I glanced down through on her left arm I saw something I would have never had suspected from my beautiful fiancé. On her arm was The Dark Mark, Voldemort's Mark. I quickly looked away from her to hide the torture on my face from Hermione. I started to see my vision go fuzzy and clear up as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Dra, what's wrong babe? Why are you crying?" I just got up and left she then looked down and noticed the mark was showing she quickly got up ready to explain everything but I held up my hand warning her not to even bother. "Get out Hermione, I never want to see you again. You lied to the entire family and you're just not welcomed here anymore." It pained me to say that because the kids had just gotten their mother back and now I find that out.

"Say your goodbyes and then get out Hermione go." I said heartbroken. "Dr-" "Save it Hermione I don't have time for your pointless explanations that will only hurt the family more." I interrupted her. "Hay kids, I need to tell you something. I can't live here anymore, I'm sorry babies but I'm leaving and you can't come with me." Hermione said choking back sobs. "Mum! What are you doing we just got you back why are you leaving us again? Does it have anything to do with The Dark Mark because if it does we don't care we just care that you're her with us like a real mother." Damon said on the verge of crying.

I was about to break I could feel it; my heart was breaking as I watched my kids being separated from their mother once again. "Mommy please stay with us we can't live without you, you're our mother and we love you." Elizabeth pleaded with her mum. "Mum please I'm begging you to stay with us. We can't and we won't live without you, we refuse to." Cassandra finally spoke up and you could see in her eyes she was anything but joking.

Damon spoke up when his mother and I left the house. "We have to do something to make dad regret his decisions tonight. Who's with me?" "We are!" Elizabeth and Cassandra answered in unison. "Okay good now I have a plan." When I walked into the house I saw my kids huddled up in the corner arms on shoulders whispering to each other. When I went to my room I locked my door and collapsed to the floor sobbing silently to myself. I suddenly felt woozy then I heard a scream from down stairs, I got up to see what happened but blacked out.

When I awoke my children were sitting around me on the floor. The door had been broken down and panic was on everyone's face. It was clear that Cassandra had had a vision. When they saw me starting to come to they called Jesse in from outside the room. By the looks of it he looked like he had been sitting outside the door crying because his cheeks were wet and his eyes were bloodshot.

"How are you brother?" Jesse asked fear taking over him from something that had happened other then me. On his face he now wore a long gash across his right eye that ran down his cheek and reached the tip of his lip. As I was looking around I saw everyone's faces. Damon now had his right arm pressed against his chest. Elizabeth hid her face from my view as if ashamed of looking at me, and Cassandra had a sprained ankle and her arm gashed.

"What happened to everyone? Elizabeth look at me right now!" I demanded. Elizabeth turned her face toward me and I saw her face. Elizabeth had gashes all down her face and was bleeding dramatically. She started crying as she saw the pain in my eyes. She got up and ran crying from the room. "Jesse what happened to everyone?" I asked "We were attacked by deatheaters while you were unconscious. Cassandra saw the vision of them hurting you and she rushed right outside with Damon and Elizabeth. They never told me anything, the way I found out was I heard them scream when Cassandra got hurt. They all continued to fight for you until the end though."

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