The Seer #4

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She ignored my question as she stared right past me and into the eyes of her brother who gaped at her. "What happened to you sis?" He asked showing no hit of any feeling but his eyes showed concern and sorrow, his eyes bloodshot. "Damon what happened? What is it son?" I asked with panic in my voice. "Cassandra she... she..." his voice faltered. "What happened with Cassandra?" I got up and took Damon by his shouldered. "Her visions they have really taken a toll on her dad, she has been unconscious for twenty-five days. Charlie Wesley found her almost dead coming out of the Ravenclaw common room."

When I got to the door I realized I left Elizabeth in bed a rushed back over to her about ready to apologize but before I could she interrupted me by saying "Go she might not make it, go dad I will have Uncle Jesse bring me once I've gotten dressed." I left kissing her on the cheek as she started to get up and go into the bathroom. When I arrived at the Hospital wing I saw Charlie Wesley sitting next to her pleading with her motionless body to wake up.

I rushed up and asked him how she was he told me she was just barely hanging on to life. I felt tears flooding over my cheeks. I then heard Charlie say something I never heard anyone else say in my life to my daughter, he said "Cassandra please wake up baby, I love you and I can't live without you here with me, wake up please." I started to see her eyes starting to open and her arms flinch. I called for the nurse and she almost ran over when she heard Cassandra start talking to Charlie and us.

I wiped away my tears as fresh ones moved in. She asked how long she had been unconscious and Damon and I answered in unison "twenty-five days." She started to freak out and try and get out of bed because of all the homework she had missed. Just then we heard the double doors open and someone gasp. I turned around in horror to see Hermione standing in the doorway in total shock. In her arms she held Nikolie and behind her stood Ginny. She rushed over to her daughter and kissed Cassandra on the cheek. Damon stood in place shaken down to his very core.

"Mum...?" Damon stared in shock. "Now, who is this handsome young man?" Hermione asked jokingly. "Come give your mum a hug or are you to old for hugs now?" Hermione asked. "Never for you mum. I love you so much." Damon replied. Right then and there I knew what I had to do I got down on one knew and proposed to her once again. The first time I proposed she died slightly after to I repurposed and she said yes.

As we walked the corridors we talked about everyone and everything that had been going on for the past year. Then it dawned on Hermione "Where's Elizabeth?" Right when she said that we saw Elizabeth come running up the stairs with the largest smile in the world on her face. She ran right to Hermione and almost knocked her off her feet. The reunion between Hermione and the kids was magnificent to see.

Hermione came home with us along with Nikolie to visit his half brother and sisters. Nikolie was now five and just starting normal school in the city. He got along with everyone just fine and sat in Elizabeth's lap the whole time just laughing and playing with his siblings.

Dramione a love story that should and will never be forgottenWhere stories live. Discover now