Dramione #2

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Just then my brother and my boyfriend started a brawl Luke punched him in the face so hard that my boyfriend was set flying into my mom and dad. Dad jumped in and punched Luke.  To my surprise my father and boyfriend were fighting on the same side against my brother and we’re winning on the other hand my mother was fighting with my brother on his side against my father and boyfriend!  My mother was scary when she got mad and trust me she was mad.  I thought my mother would win this fight along with my brother.  But my brother and father work things out and agreed not to fight on the other hand my brother and boyfriend were still mad each other and stared each other down.

My brother and boyfriend were like two wolves fighting over a piece of meat.  I just wanted them to stop fighting my head hurt and my stomach was killing me, my stomach was hurting from where I was kicked, punched, and slapped.  I started crying as I saw my boyfriend fell to the ground bleeding and panting to regain his breath after my brother cast a spell on him which caused him to crumble onto the floor. Draco knew his leg was broken so we called Madam Pomfrey over to look at his leg and she said he wouldn’t be able to walk on it for at least a week but she could fix the leg with a potion in her cupboard. She gently danced over to the cupboard and retrieved the potion only to come back a minute later. Draco swallowed the potion after my dad, Harry, and Ron lifted Draco onto a cot right next to mine. I could not sleep that night knowing what my brother did to Draco or me earlier this month when he smacked me.

I couldn’t remember a lot since I was beaten up like the days of the week and what the day was sometimes I forgot my family’s birthdays. I couldn’t remember what I wanted to go get from the dorm when I was in the common room. This really scared my family and friends but there was nothing I or they could do. That’s what scared them the most. Whenever we went out Draco never let me out of his sight for more than a minute because he was afraid I would get lost and he wouldn’t be able to find me.

 So when we went out he would say always stay where I can see you babe alright, and we would leave it at that except one day… One day I was in the park alone with Draco and the next thing I knew I was being chased down by a pair of deatheaters. I ran for my life without looking back I thought Draco was behind me while I was running but when I looked back there was no one there I was so frightened. I wanted to turn back and go find him but I knew better. Draco and I made out a plan incase anything happened like this (Draco’s father is a deatheater so he wanted to have a plan) and so the plan was we run and if I loss him to never turn back and find him I was to stay where I was. But if he lost me he would turn back as soon as he noticed I was gone. (Don’t ask me why it was different for each of us I think we should both go back to find the other) So I turned back and ran as fast as I could when I found Draco I saw something unbelievable.

 Right there in front of my eyes was my boyfriend being tortured by the cruciatus curse. Voldemort was standing over Draco using the curse to hurt my boyfriend. As I stood in place I heard Voldemort say where is she? Where has she gone? TELL ME, TELL ME NOW OR YOU WILL DIE! When I heard that I unknowingly without thinking stepped forward and said I’m her you big wimp and ran as fast as I could. I could hear Voldemort following me so I hid behind a tree hoping he would run right past.

 He grabbed me and told me if I run he would kill me, Draco and my family.  So I walked with him to where Draco was now standing.  Draco grabbed my hand and held it as we shook with fear as Voldemort took out his wand and pointed it at us getting ready to either kill or torture us.  Just then, professor Snape came up behind Voldemort and use the cruciatus curse on him. Voldemort dropped down to the ground and shook menacingly as everyone ran back to the castle.

Dramione a love story that should and will never be forgottenWhere stories live. Discover now