The Seer #6

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I tried getting up but everyone stopped me. I ignored their pleas for me to stay still and got to my feet. I carried Cassandra into the house while Damon went to his room. I told Jesse to wait for me in the hall then went to cheek up on Elizabeth. I knocked on the door and then slowly opened it. “Baby? Are you alright?” As I walked in I saw my little girl crying in the bathroom washing her arms and trying to leave her face alone.  I walked over to her and had her sit on the rim of the tub while I took a wet cloth and carefully washed her face to get rid of the blood.

As I washed off her face she cried silently to herself and when I finished I took her into a bear hug. When I left the room I saw Jesse on the hallway floor with his head in his knees. “Jesse are you alright?” I asked my brother sincerely. “It’s all my fault Draco I let you down I am suppose to help you watch the kids I am the uncle and I failed you and the kids, I’m so sorry.” I took my brother into my arms and hugged him. I got up and went into my daughters’ room and asked her to come out for a minute then went to Damon’s room and asked him to come out for a minute.

“Kids I have a question, is it your uncle’s fault you got hurt today?” The kids all answered no in unison. Then each one walked up and hugged their uncle telling him face to face it was not his fault. Jesse stood up and hugged them back after finally stop crying. I was so proud of my children today because they fought for what they believed in.

When the kids went to school I would go to work and then come home and go to bed. Jesse was worried sick about me because I never talked anymore. I was tired with life because everything bad seemed to happen to our family. One day I got an owl from Hogwarts and it explained that all my kids had missed almost all their classes in the past month. I hung up the phone and called Damon’s cell phone. “Hello, who’s this?” Damon answered. “Damon it’s your father I was wondering if you could come home for a minute with your sisters?” I asked my son. “Sure dad we will be home-” the line cut off and Damon finished the sentence in person as he walked up and hugged me.

“Hey son, how has classes been lately?” I asked innocently. “Alright why dad, did the teachers call or something?” Damon replied. “Kids sit down please and listen closely.” Everyone sat down on the couch and I sat in the chair opposite them. “I got an owl today saying you have missed your classes for the past month and are failing. Would you like to explain this to me now?” Cassandra’s voice spoke up against the others “It’s nothing daddy please may I get back to class?” “NO Cassandra Ann Malfoy you will listen to me now along with you two!”  I screamed at the top of my lungs.

“Dad what has gotten into you? Why are you so mad at us? It’s not like you care about us we can see it in the way you look at us you never wanted us only mom did and then you kicked her out.” I stared in shock as Cassandra scream right back in my face. “GET OUT NOW CASSANDRA GET OUT AND NEVER COME BACK. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU IN MY LIFE AGAIN!” I screamed. She got up and turned around before she slammed the door shut. “I’ll go live with mom then.” She said with tears in her eyes.

Damon and Elizabeth had never seen me blow up like that before and it showed on their faces. Jesse ran into the living room and right after Cassandra after he heard me scream. Damon and Elizabeth got up right after and ran after their sister. I collapsed onto the ground and sobbed deeply into my hands. I got up took a handful of floo powder and steeped into the fireplace and shouted “Hermione Granger’s house!” I suddenly stood in the middle of Hermione’s living room.

Hermione looked up from her book and looked stunned to see me. We heard a knock at the door. I whispered to Hermione to follow me for a minute and she did, she yelled from the kitchen she would be right there. I told her all about Cassandra and my conversation and she agreed with me. She cantered over to the door and answered it already knowing who it was.

Dramione a love story that should and will never be forgottenWhere stories live. Discover now