finding my boyfriend #7

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*Nine months have gone by since Hermione thought she was pregnant*

I felt a terrible cramp then I was rushed to the hospital wing by Jesse where I gave birth not to one, not to two, but three healthy babies. Two girls and a boy, the boy was the runt of them but I loved them all. I had the nurse go get Draco but don’t tell him why. He came rushing into the room with total fear on his face which was washed away by pride as he saw me holding our three little bundles of joy. He then noticed Jesse standing by my side and fear washed over his face again. He asked Jesse what he was doing here the asked me what we were going to name then and I said you name your son while I name our daughters.

Jesse said that he was there when I went into labor and that he brought me here. Draco decided to give up and said to be he had decided to name our son Damon Alexander Malfoy and I decided the oldest would be named Cassandra Ann Malfoy and the middle would me Elizabeth Grace Malfoy. We were able to take the babies back to my dorm until Professor Dumbledore was able to get us a dorm together with a small nursery off of the dorm for the babies.

I was so shocked to find out I was pregnant because my stomach never got bigger and I never craved food. I thought at first that the pregnancy test was wrong but I guess I was the one wrong. I did not get much sleep because of the triplets but you know what they were my kids and I loved them. Draco was up along with me I would try and quiet them down while he made the formula or he would change the diaper while I slept. I was so thankful for him to be around. The triplets were born on Draco’s fourteenth birthday (June 5, 2011) at 6:20 in the evening.

As we watch Cassandra, Elizabeth and Damon grow we observed that the kids only looked like me. One thing I noticed was that they had the same eyes and hair as Gellert. I prayed that this thought was not true but I also knew it had to be true for they only looked like Gellert.

One day while Draco was at work and the kids were home I told them to get their coats and we took a ride over to the Malfoy manner where Gellert was living. I banged on the door and Gellert answered the door. He was taken by surprise and then invited me in.

We talked in the foyer while the kids ate in the kitchen. We talked about how the kids might be his and that they looked more like Gellert then they did Draco. He started crying and I got up gathered my children and left town never to look back on this dreadful city again.

I found a small cottage away from all the distractions in Coventry I never forgot my past because I would fall asleep every night crying because I missed not having the warm body of my boyfriend sleeping next to me. Cassandra took it the hardest because she went everywhere with Draco whether it was going to work or to the store or even visiting old friends at Hogwarts.

She cried in my lap every night and refused to go to school. One day when she finally decided she would go to school, her, her brother and sister walked to school and around three-thirty when school got out Damon and Elizabeth came galloping up the street but Cassandra was not with them.

I ran out of the house and asked them where Cassandra was they said they had not seen her all day except when they walked to school this morning. I ran next door to our neighbor’s house and asked if she could watch Elizabeth and Damon. She said sure.

I took the first train to London and went to our old house, there I saw Draco sitting in front of the fire with a picture of the family crying to himself. I asked where Cassandra was and he said he had not seen her since she was taken away from him five years ago. He asked why, what happened to her and I said she ran away this afternoon. He looked up at me in complete despair.

He jumped up and grabbed the phone calling a number I could not remember. Someone answered and Draco spoke quickly then hung up he ran for his coat then told me to come on I ran after him as he ran toward Malfoy Manner?

That’s where I saw Gellert and Cassandra playing football (soccer) in the gigantic front yard. She saw me and ran but Gellert caught her waist. She started to scream bloody murder then bit his arm and ran way. Gellert held his arm as a profuse amount of blood came pouring out as he ran to grab Cassandra.

Draco sank down on to his knees and cried. Cassandra heard him and ran over to him

screaming “Daddy! Daddy!” He gathered her up in his arms and told her it was alright and that he loved her. Tears started to flow down my face as I knew what I had to do.

Draco asked Gellert and me to join him in the house. Cassandra followed until she was told to go to the top floor of the manner. Draco got down on one knee in the foyer and asked me to marry him. I said yes and started to cry. He had us sit down on the sofa and asked a very important question: Are the kids mine he asked and I had to answer honestly.

“No, Draco they’re not something happened one night when I ran away from my parent’s house and Gellert found me. He did something unmentionable that night to be. But they are not yours they are HIS (Hermione said in the most aggressive voice she could manage.)”

Draco got up and tackled Gellert to the floor killing him when Gellert smashed his head open on a dresser. Draco and I heard a scream come from the top floor and ran. There we saw Voldemort hanging Cassandra by the hair until they were eye to eye. I let out a scream then I was taken over by adrenaline and tackled Voldemort to the floor where Draco came in and grabbed Cassandra. He used a spell that nearly killed Voldemort but before the spell reached Voldemort he pulled me in front of him and the spell killed me. The last thing I remember was Cassandra scream and Draco hurl himself down onto my lifeless body for one last time. Or so he thinks…

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