The Seer #3

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I read one of my favorite books, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, while everyone slept silently in their chairs. One of the first things I noticed was that Cassandra was the first one up because she nearly had a heart attack when she saw me reading my book. She woke up everyone in the room when they heard her scream her high- pitched obnoxious scream. I was bombarded with hugs and kisses from everyone. One thing I noticed was Damon and Jesse trying to usher everyone away so I could breathe then Jesse came over and gave me a hug and said "Welcome back we lost you for a minute there, we found you outside an ally on 5th Street."

Walking down the stairs had become a difficulty in its own and then the thought came to me I'm going to have to climb back up those stairs later. I decided to sleep on the couch for the following nights because it was easier and I feared the trip up almost having tumbled down the stairs one or twice already. I went to work five days later after sneaking out of the house from the watchful eye of my family. Our routines started to go back to normal after Christmas break which the kids had spent at school catching up on all of the academic homework and class work they had missed.

I stayed with my brother for a while to try and wash away the memory of seeing Hermione and Nikolie again. The memory just kept returning and I would constantly cry myself to sleep knowing the mother of my children was still out there. I would have dinner ready for myself and Jesse every night but no one ate anything for fear of Voldemort finding me and the family. Jesse tried to comfort me but it never worked. One day when I left and went to work I saw a pair of deatheaters on the corner of the street starting to follow me.

I started running as fast as I could but tripped and stumbled right to the feet of Gellert who laughed at me pitiful attempt to escape the deatheaters. I tried to crawl back but was kicked in the back by the two deatheaters who had apparently walked up closely to me. My vision went blurry as I saw my brother run up to be with his wand pointed at the deatheaters while trying to help me. When I was brought back to the house I saw my daughter Elizabeth in the fireplace who had used magic to come home. She looked petrified as she saw me hunched over then got over the shock and ran over to help Jesse to carry me in.

"Dad! What happened to you?" Elizabeth asked worriedly. Jesse replied by saying "Your father was attacked by deatheaters outside and I got to him in the nick of time." She rushed into my arms and gave me a huge hug as she started to cry. I asked her what happened and she said "Daddy, I have almost lost you so many times I don't want to lose you. You have to be more careful, I already lost mum, and I can't lose you too." I gave her a kiss and carried her to bed as she looked whiter then a ghost and threatened to faint. She awoke three days later and could hardly walk. She had had a fever of over 100º and was considerably weak. When she woke I was right there by her side.

She managed a weak smile when she saw my face. "What happened to you sweetheart?" I asked her. "I have been so over worked in school, I came home so I could relax a couple of days. I had over five essays do and it had to be at least three parchments full. I could not handle all of the work daddy." "What subjects are you taking honey?" I questioned her. She replied "Potions, Defense against the dark arts, Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, History of Magic, Astronomy, Flying, Care of Magical Creatures, and Divination." "That's way too many classes hon., what are you doing taking all of those classes in your first year?"

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