Dramione #3

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 Draco was the last one in the castle because he wanted to make sure I got in safely but I was petrified and couldn’t move from behind Snape. Draco finally swung me into his arms and carried me to the hospital wing where I fell asleep and dreamed of nothing but happiness. I was then pulled out of my dream state to see the worst thing ever…

Mr.… Mr.… Mr. Malfoy I said looking up stunned. Just then I heard someone running down the hallway and dash in front of me protectively. I saw a younger, handsomer version of Mr. Malfoy and recognized it as Draco Malfoy, my boyfriend. Draco and Mr. Malfoy had an argument about me for ten minutes and then I felt a stinging in my right arm. When I looked down I saw red dripping down from everywhere the spell didn’t just hit my arm it hit me everywhere.

I started feeling dizzy and passed out. The last thing I remembered was Mr. Malfoy laughing at Draco and me as Draco tried to heal me. I woke up the next mourning in a hospital gown and on a cot with Draco holding my hand and his head lay on my stomach while he slept. I silently and carefully crawled out of bed making sure not to disturb Draco and attempted to go to the bathroom but when I got up I felt woozy and almost feel to the floor. I realized a cold hand hit my wrist to hoist me up and back to bed and saw Luke helping me. He kissed my clammy forehead and said good mourning.

He asked where I was going and I told him I needed to use the bathroom. He helped me up and carried most of my weight until we reached the door. I told him I was fine and hobbled carefully into the bathroom and closed the door. When I was done he carried most of my weight back to my cot and laid my back down. He told me to go to sleep which I had no problem with because as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out cold. I don’t know what time it happened but while I was asleep Mr. Malfoy came into my room and tried to kill me but Draco and my brother worked together to stop him. That night I was taken back to Luke’s dorm so he could keep a closer eye on me.

 Draco was not allowed to stay with me though because he was a Slytherin and we were Gryffindor’s. Luke woke me up first thing in the mourning and told me to get dressed I did and went down stairs only to see Draco in the common room eating breakfast. I dashed down the stairs and stumbled into his arms. I was so thrilled to see him; my day just got a little better. He gave me half of his toast and told me he had a special day planed for us. We were walking down the halls and saw Ginny running up the hallway telling us to wait.

She gave me a hug and said mourning to Draco and asked if we had been to potions yet. We said no we have no classes today and we asked why. She said that Professor Snape was expelled for something unmentionable. We stood there for 10 minute mouths ajar then finally thanked Ginny for filling us in. She then ran down the hall to see Harry and Ron. Draco and I walked down to the lake talking about what Snape could have done. We had no clue but it was fun to pretend and laugh together again. “Hay Hermione” Draco said “I think Luke is starting to get over the fact were dating.” As Hermione skipped along she tripped and fell when she looked up she saw…..

Dramione a love story that should and will never be forgottenWhere stories live. Discover now