Finding my boyfriend #2

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She glared at me as if I had just smacked her across the face. I glanced back at her and strutted out of my dorm without looking back. I walked down to Hagrid’s house and asked if he knew anything about Draco. He said he had not. I then ran back to the Malfoy’s Manner and barged into the house only seeing…seeing Draco my Draco but he was tied up with his mouth bound. I quietly ran over to him and unbound his hands and feet. He told me to go but I would not leave without him just after finding him.

I grabbed his hand and went to turn around but when I did not two inches from my face was Gellert Grindelwald, one of Voldemort’s followers. He took my by the neck and picked me up off the ground until our eyes met. He asked me what I was doing but I spat in his face that’s when I remember being airborne for a minute then hitting sold concrete.

I was still conscious after that but I thought if I remain still as if I am dead I won’t be killed. So that is what I did. Draco came running over to me and cried but I could not move for if I did that would be the end of me. Gellert on the other hand laughed and dragged Draco back over to the corner where he was bound up again with ropes and wire.

I was then dragged from the room and my body was thrown into the dungeon next to a young boy’s body, I realized the body was Nikolie Malfoy’s body. He looked so peaceful there but he looked so sad as if he knew he would never see his mother or father again. I shed a few tears but then heard someone coming down the stairs. I heard Draco crying and Gellert laughing. Draco was thrown into the same cage with us where he balled on top of my body and little Nikolie’s lifeless body.

When Gellert left I hugged Draco and said I was alright I just played dead so I would not be killed. He then squeezed me until I was unconscious. When I woke up I heard six people standing over me so I kept me eyes closed and my breathing shallow. I only recognized three of the six people and the people I recognized were: Draco, Ginny, and Voldemort.

Voldemort was telling Draco and Ginny to kill everyone at Hogwarts, when they turned around I grabbed my wand and cast the cruciatus curse on Voldemort because I knew it was the only was Draco and Ginny could escape but instead they cast the cruciatus curse on me.

I yelled to Draco to stop. But he didn’t, I tried again only yelling “I’m pregnant with your baby STOP!” that stopped him and Ginny. I then heard a very strange but evil laugh come from behind me then I was kicked in the stomach by Voldemort. Draco ran over to me and blocked another fatal blow to my stomach and was kicked in the head. I heard cries right next to me but I could not see anything. My stomach and head was killing me.

That’s when I was knocked unconscious by a blow to the head. When I woke Draco was standing over me with blood all down his face and his eyes red from crying. I could not tell what he was crying from the blow to his head or finding out about me being pregnant. He told me to lie down after I tried to get up. Then I remembered that I was kicked in the stomach and asked Draco if he knew if my baby was alright. He said no that it was too early to tell.

Then he asked how far along I was and I said two weeks but I have only known for a week. “I wanted to surprise you!” I explained to him as he darted out the hospital wing crying. I went to dart after him but I was stopped when Luke grabbed my wrist then I collapsed to the floor because of excruciating pain. Luke freaked out and ran away thinking he caused me all the pain. I tried to get up again but it was no good I just laid on the floor and gave up.

Dramione a love story that should and will never be forgottenWhere stories live. Discover now