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"Morning mom," I said. I wandered into the kitchen and she handed me a cup of coffee. It was a casual day in Brooklyn - cars, buses and vans queued up along the roads and the sidewalk was swamped with business people and schoolkids all going their own ways at the crossroads.

"Hey Steve." I smiled and she gave me a hug. "I'm gonna give you a lift into school today, I need your car. Mine's back in the shop, I'm getting it back tomorrow."

"What happened?"

"Limo clipped my back corner last week - don't you remember? It's getting repainted. I told you a few days ago."

"Er... yeah, sure. I don't really remember but let's just say I do." Mom gave a small, breathy laugh and handed me a small brown paper bag. "What's this?"

"Breakfast." I opened it and inside was a chocolate croissant and a cinnamon swirl.

"Thanks." I rolled back up the top of the bag and put it on the counter, hoping that when I put it in my bag it wouldn't crush, it wouldn't spill everywhere. That would be the worst thing to happen on the first day of freshman year. Oh... did I mention that? It's my first day of freshman year. And I've just moved from mainstream New York to Brooklyn, which means a new school. I wore some darkwash blue jeans, a plain white shirt and a red flannel button up and my backpack was plain black and had Ellesse written in a small white text on the back of my bag and black Adidas trainers. I threw my pencil case into the bottom of my bag along with my breakfast and my gym kit. My locker key and apartment key were thrown into the front pocket of my bag with some headphones and about 15$ in cash.

"Hey mom, I'm actually gonna catch the bus. Or walk. I know the way, it's only 20 minutes walk."

"No, Steve, let me drop you off, I wanna see you in. Please," she started.

"Bye mom, love you!" I yelled.

"STEVEN-" she yelled. I could hear her screaming at me even after the door slammed shut behind me.

I plugged my headphones into my mp3 player and began to listen to the new Oasis album. I got to school 10 minutes earlier than expected and sat in the office waiting for my timetable. The bell rung, it was 9 am and I was still sat waiting on a sheet of paper.

"Excuse me, are you lost?" I looked up. A young boy - probably around my age - looked down at me. He had fairly dark brown hair, brown almost black eyes and he was wearing a grey hoodie and black jeans with dark grey converse and what looked like a dog tag strung around his neck on a chain

"No, just... waiting on a timetable. Speaking of, I've been here the past 20 minutes and I've heard nothing of it."

"You know what homeroom you're in?"

"No clue. Second floor."

"What year?"


"Hey, Ms Alzeretti, can we get his timetable pronto?"

"Yes of course, sorry Mr Stark. What's the name of the pupil?"

"Steven Rogers," I replied standing up.

It was printed in seconds.

"Thank you," I said to him. "By the way, what's your name?"

"Tony. Tony Stark."

"Woah. Howard Stark's son?"

"The one and only," he sighed. "What room are you in for homeroom?" I checked the paper.

"809. This school must be huge jesus christ."

"Not really," replied Tony. "Let's go, you're in my homeroom."

"Okay," I replied, but I didn't have much time to say anything because Tony grabbed my wrist and began pulling me in a random direction. When he did, I felt something inside me snap. But what was it? I couldn't tell. It certainly wasn't happiness. Or sadness. Not an emotion, just a... thing. I began thinking really hard, but I didn't have long before Tony dropped my wrist and opened the door of a classroom and strolled in, me following behind.

"Stark, you're late. That's detention."

"I got held up. I was helping Rodgers get his timetable."

"Not an excuse. Timetables were handed out at the end of the last term."

"Rodgers is the new kid."

"Tony, you gonna get with him?"

"Rhodey, shut up. Just coz I'm not exactly 'straight' doesn't mean I'm attracted to everyone."

"Stark, Rodgers, you both have detentions tonight, here. You too, Rhodey."

"Fuck this," muttered Tony.

"Boy's sit down before I have to call the principle." Tony dragged me to two empty seats and pushed me into the one on the left and he sat in the one on the right. He grabbed a pen from his pocket and an old battered notebook from his bag. The front was blue and had 'Stark Industries' in all block capitals inscribed on it. He'd outlined the letters in a black fine liner and the writing was painted white.

The teacher handed me a yellow book and told me to write my name on it along with 'Ms Alcazar' and '809'.

"Hey," muttered Tony. He handed me something small and pointed towards his ear. It was like a tiny earpiece. I placed it into my ear and music started playing. He scribbled down something in his notebook and ripped out the corner he'd written on before passing it over.

'Think of a song and it'll play as long as you think something along the lines of "Jarvis, play [something or other]"'

I looked at him. Surely this couldn't be real. But, I thought of a song and the word Jarvis and it started to play. Was Jarvis a name? I mouthed thank you and he smiled, pushed the hair out of his eyes, pulled out his own yellow book and started to scribble in whatever was on the board. Who was this kid and why the hell was he being so nice to me?

I'm a saddo in writing a stony book don't come @ me I got bored okay and I wanted to do this idk if it'll be picked up but here we go lmao

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