one [beginning of part two]

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Okay so basically, it's ten years later and Tony hasn't seen anyone from school since his parents' funeral. He hasn't seen Steve since the last chapter.

"Sir, you should really stop now."

"It's fine, I've only been down here for... four hours. Fuck, okay, I'll take a break." I tore open the velcro of my boxing gloves, took them off and moved away from the punching bag. My water bottle was laying on one side and I took it, opened it and took a glug.

"Miss Potts is at the door."

"Let her in." This was the same Pepper Potts I knew since high school. Ironically, she's the only one I kept in contact with, mainly because she's now my secretary. She was the only person I trusted.

She sometimes updated me on my school friends - Nat worked with an undercover agency, Bruce was a scientist, Thor moved to Asgard and found his adopted brother Loki, and Steve... Steve was going by another name - Captain America. He was basically a superhero, and he'd saved lives all over New York. 

"Tony, someone's here to see you."


"Maddie Contralicy."

"Nope. Not seeing her."


"Last time I saw her she tried to hook up with me."

"I'll escort her from the premises," laughed Pepper. She left the room. I sat down and put my head in my hands.  Why. Just why.

Let's paint an image.

My parents have just died, Steve ran away and I'm straight drinking through days and night to take away the pain. I know he just wanted to save himself. I don't blame him. Never have, never will. Since my parents died and I'm their only legacy, I inherited everything. Their assistant, Obidiah, took over for me while he made me go to AA meetings and sober up, stop grieving and be able to run a company. Finally, I took over the company and appointed Pepper to be my secretary, I moved back into the old Stark house and that's that.

"Fuck," I muttered. That water didn't taste like water. It was more like some kind of alcohol, a spirit maybe.


"Jarvis, I... just give me a minute."

I sat down on the floor and opened the top of my water bottle.

"Oh, shit." I instantly smelt the putrid smell of alcohol. I yelled for Pepper.


"Get rid of this bottle."

"What the fuck happened-"

"Just... get rid of it. Please."

"Yeah. Sure, yeah, whatever you need." She left and I sprinted up the stairs, grabbed a glass and filled it to the brim with water.

"Jesus fucking christ," I muttered. I downed the whole glass and looked at the time. It was seven in the evening. I was gonna go to bed but I would've been awake the whole night so instead I wandered down to my workroom and looked into the new bomb I was making.

"Hey, Jarvis, how's the new missile coming along?"

"The render is 97% complete."

"Great. Calendar for tomorrow?"

"You're flying out for the weapons demonstration and coming back the day after."

"Isn't it in an active warzone?"

"Yes, sir. Afghanastan." How the fuck is anyone okay with this. I mean, the weapons are to save the public, but my company sells them without checking with me first, if they were to get into the wrong hands then everyone would be completely screwed. But, this is life. And I can't control it. Well, not all of it.

I slumped down in my chair and yawned. I wasn't tired - still - but I should still've slept. So, instead of waiting, I allowed myself to be dragged under by drowsiness and fell asleep.

"Tony, why aren't you asleep in your room?"

"What?" I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "Oh, fuck. I was waiting on a missile to complete but I fell asleep."

"Okay, well you've got a flight in a few hours, get ready."

"Yes miss."

Pepper left.


Okay, so at this point all of Iron Man 1 happened but I don't wanna go into detail about it all so yeah, kidnapping, the suits, Obidiah, that all happened and now it's a few weeks after.


"Tony, Natasha Romanoff is here to see you."

"Wait, Nat from school? Let her in." The door creaked open and I saw a small redhead poke her head round the corner. Then she stepped out.

"Well well, the infamous Tony Stark - Iron Man."

"Natasha Romanoff," I smiled. I got up and gave her a friendly hug. She came and sat down and she spoke about everything.

"He still misses you."


"Steve. We all live in a huge house about 40 minutes from here and sometimes you hear him wake up in the night asking for you."

"Yeah, I... I know the feeling."

"I don't think you do. Anyway, I'm here on official business, we need you."

"We as in who, exactly?"

"Me, Bruce, Clint, Thor, Loki... Nick Fury... there's a couple others, but we need you. For the Avengers initiative."

"So Steve's involved."

"No, not really. He kinda just lives in the house and... works with us."

"Then no."


"I can't just sit there and let him hurt, no."

"What's that on your neck."

"There's nothing on my neck."

"Yeah, the crossword puzzle looking thing." Fuck.

"Oh, it's nothing." Nat frowned. She obviously didn't believe me.

"Okay. Well it's not an option."

"Okay. Well I don't fucking care."

"It's for the safety of the public."

"Count me in."

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