"You Peter Parker?" I looked at the guy ahead of me. He was about 5'8, 5'9, and was wearing a black tux.

"Are you Happy Hogan?" The guy held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, kid." I nodded and shook his hand. He opened his car door for me. I was in the back seat. Did I mention I'd just finished school? I'd managed to run away from my best friend Ned and jumped over the massive school gates with help of my webs and met Happy in an alleyway about a three-minute run from the sandwich store where I bought gummy worms and one of the best sandwiches in Queens.

It was a 40-minute drive from the alley to the Stark Industries building. It had 'Stark Industries' written on the side and a small A surrounded by a circle in the window. The Avengers symbol. Happy pulled up in the drive and two men were sat outside on a bench. One was short(ish) with dark brown hair and the other was a lot taller and had dark blond hair. The shorter one stood up and walked over.

"Hogan. You took your time."

"Sorry sir, I-"

"I'm just messing it's fine. Hey, kid."

"Hi, Mr Stark." He nodded and indicated to the guy behind me. The way I'm describing them makes them sound serious - Mr Stark looked exhausted so he was wearing sunglasses and the guy stood next to him was gently holding his wrist.

"I'm Steve Rogers. You might know me as-"

"Captain America. I know, I saw the thing that happened in New York." He looked at the floor and smiled.

"You keep up."

"Only when my aunt tells me." He smiled again and Tony gestured me inside.

The place was huge. High ceilings, a lot of windows and open space. Stairs and lifts left, right and centre and the occasional person in the middle of the hallway. We went down several flights of stairs, down a hallway, and left into a small lab.

"Make your web fluid."
"Your web fluid. Make it. I wanna see what it's made of, see if we can improve it."
What if you don't have what I need?"
"I have every single element known to man in this room and down the hall, combined... this place has more elements then NASA wants to admit." I nodded and got to work. Of course, he had everything and about four or five minutes later it was made, add on another hour and a half and the whole web fluid was changed and improved, making it more industrial and more convenient. Next, we went into a gym (down another four flights of stairs and across two hallways) and Steve taught me some basic combat moves. It was easy, really; there was a point to it but most of it I'd learned months back. He just wanted to see what I knew. They ordered in a pizza for dinner and asked me about some of the stuff I'd done and then Happy took me home. It was a weird day and it was about to happen Monday to Friday. Well, I think.

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