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I missed that nickname. Capsicle.

He hadn't called me that for years, not since high school, when he decided it would be in his greatest interests to make ice pops in the colour scheme of my old baseball cap. He bought it for me as a joke - it had red, white and blue stripes along the front - as much as I hated it, it was hung up on the inside of my bedroom door. Then he felt bad and bought me a hoodie (that he then stole but I didn't care). 

We woke up when we were about five minutes to landing. It was late at night, must be 10, 11 o'clock at least. Late dusk, early dawn. Sounds about right. Tony didn't want to get up. He stopped himself from moving and was still curled up against me in a small private airport in a place called Farnborough, so I had to lift him and carry him out of the plane. It was so cold that he had to get up and walk into the building because it woke him up. It was about two hours off the heart of London. Tony hired a car and drove around in search of a Burger King (which he found by the way - it was a small 24-hour in a town that looked as if nobody visited. I had no idea what it was called, I just let Tony get our food so he would stop complaining about being hungry. He had three cheeseburgers.) and then Tony drove me and Rhodey to the hotel.

"Hi, two rooms booked under 'Rhodes'?"

"Two doubles?"

"That's right." The guy handed over four keys. Well, they came in pairs in little purple sleeves that said 'Premier Inn' on them with a happy yellow moon. We were going somewhere nicer the next day. Tony and I went up to our room and he crashed almost immediately. I think he got changed into my hoodie and some pyjama bottoms and fell asleep straight away. I grabbed my bag and got changed before pulling myself underneath the duvet and attempting to keep warm as I fell asleep.

I woke up to see Tony hugging his knees at the end of the bed and I reached over and turned on the lamp.

"Tony?" He didn't say anything. After a moments thought, I moved over next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. He buried his face in my chest and sat on my leg so I pulled my arms around him.

"What's going on?" He shrugged.

"Sorry, I woke up and I didn't know where I was-"

"Don't be sorry." He shook his head.

"I have to be. I don't wanna be rude."

"You're not rude. You're also not thinking like a human but you're definitively not rude." We sat in silence for a few moments.

"We should find something to eat." Tony declined but I looked at the room service card anyway. They didn't serve food after 11 pm, and it was about 6 am at this point. Maybe a takeout breakfast but we'd never been over in this hotel so instead of finding somewhere that might deliver, we got up, dressed and went on the search for a corner shop.

I couldn't tell you how long we'd been looking when Tony finally found what looked like a very dodgy off-licence, but they had food by a brand called 'Happy Shopper' (is this normal to find in England I mean loads of places stock them near me but idk) so we bought some chips - no, sorry, crisps, (ew) and a couple drinks that were mainly the small Starbucks ones you can find in any normal grocery store (I'M A BRIT IDK HOW RIGHT ANY OF THIS IS) and then Tony and I headed back to the hotel and ate. Yes, it was a lot of caffeine and a lot of sugar and air but we didn't care. Obviously we were going to have something more substantial but this would do for now.

We got back to the hotel and sat on our bed cross-legged before opening our food and turning on the tv.

"Remember we used to do this back in high school?"

"We what now?"

"Yeah. We did it a lot. We would find a small corner store and buy really unhealthy shit for breakfast and then have a sugar crash midway through the day." I grinned. Yes, I did remember.

"And then we'd have to leave the middle of class to get something else to eat?"

"That only happened a couple of times-"

"Three times, Tony. Three fucking times." Tony burst out laughing.

"The teachers thought we were insane,"

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. Where did you come from?" Tony frowned and I chuckled. He was too tired to ignore the fact that he looked like an absolute idiot.


"Nothing." Tony rolled his eyes and rested his head on my shoulder. We finished whatever we'd bought (Tony bought onion rings and I basically ate them all) and we got a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," I muttered. I got off the side of my bed and opened the door.

"Hey, Steve, um... Tony's got a press conference, is he in?" Rhodey stood before me, a hint of metal peeking through where his shoes meet his jeans.

"Yeah, when is it and where? And come in by the way."

"About 11 so roughly three and a half hours but we have to get there before press do and it's in the heart of London. Pack up your stuff, we're leaving in 10." He left.

"Tony, we gotta pack up our stuff, we're leaving in ten minutes." Tony grabbed our small number of items from around the room and threw them all in the suitcase.

"Done." I smiled and he flopped back onto the bed. "I can't be bothered to move, you're gonna have to carry me downstairs." I hit his back with one of the pillows on the bed.

"Nope." He groaned and rolled over onto his back.

"You're the worst, you know that?"

"Yeah, I did actually." I laid down next to him and pulled him into a hug.

"I love you."

"Love you too."

HEYYYYY so it's been a while and I'm really sorry, I've been busy with school and stuff but I'm hopefully gonna be able to update quickly soon coz its the Christmas holidays in a couple weeks!

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