But if I had you, that would be the only thing I'd ever need

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Adam's: POV

"How about to travel to Transylvania? the place where all vampires rule the world!" asked Alec and drank a glass of blood. "I don't mind, I'm so tired of this place anyway!" I said and filled a glass for myself too.

"The guests are here now!" replied Sebastian. "Let the party started!" I said. Loud music drowned screams from vampires and humans.

I grapped a woman's neck and drained her body of blood. She fell lifeless to the ground without a head.

Suddenly the lights went off, and everything went black. "Alec, Sebastian!" I called, but got no answer. Someone stabbed me with vervain and everything went black.


I kill the next person who injected me, with vervain. I stood up and went stumbling to the door. I could not open it.

"Try to open how many times you want. But I won't let you out, before you have turn on your humanity." said Tommy.  "Where is my husband and Sebastian?" I asked.

"They're the reason that you are a a heartless cold-blooded killer, you don't even remember me. You don't love Alec because he broke your heart. I'm your boyfriend, I love you Adam!" said Tommy.

"Well, if you love me, give me a kiss!" I replied. "No!" he said. "Why not, are you afraid of me?" I asked with a smirk on my face. "I know you're drinking vampire blood now!" said Tommy. "I'm fine!" I replied. He cut his hand and my eyes glowed. "You're not fine!" he said.

"Good luck finding a cure!" I replied. "I'll find it!" said Tommy. "Whatever!" I said. "You'll be okay, I won't give up!" he replied.

Adam's humanity is still off. I have a feeling that Tommy will find a cure.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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