You're the hunter and I'm your prey

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Tommy's: POV

I woke up in a big dark scary basement. My hands were tied up in chains. My heart was pounding of fear. I heard someone coming and I held my breath.

"Well well, look what I have here!" said a guy with smokey blue eyes. "Who are you?" I asked. "My name is Alec Black!" he said. "I-I'm Tommy!" I stuttered. "Adam's pathetic boyfriend!" he said. "How do you know his name?" I asked. "Because I'm his husband!" said Alec.

(Alec Black)

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(Alec Black)

"Your sister is very hot!" he replied with a smirk on his face. "What have you done with her?" I yelled. "I turned her into a vampire, as I've done with the other school students!" he said.

"You are the kidnapper!" I replied shocked. "That's right!" said Alec. "Please, let Kat go!" I begged. "A person who has been turned into a vampire, can't return back home!" said Alec. Tears welled up in my eyes. "Ugh, humans are so emotional!" he complained.

"The day when Adam kissed me, I felt something sharp aganist my neck." I said. "What you felt was his fangs, he was going to drink your blood. But something stopped him!" said Alec.

"Adam is a vampire!" I replied. "Don't be so surprised!" he said. "What are you going to do with me?" I asked scared. "I'll have some fun!" said Alec.

His fangs cut through the skin and he was drinking my blood. I lost consciousness again and everything went black.


Adam's: POV

I walked home to Tommy and rang the doorbell. Dia opened and her cheeks were wet of tears. She hugged me and couldn't stop crying.

"Dia, what's wrong?" I asked worried. "Tommy is gone!" she sobbed. "What?" I asked. "He didn't come home after his date with you!" said Dia. I didn't know what to say. "I lost Katherine, I won't lose Tommy too!" she said. "Don't worry, I'll find them!" I replied. "Thank you so much Adam, I really appreciate it!" said Dia.

Alec is so hot but also dangerous. I feel for Dia so much.

I hope you liked the chapter.


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