Izuku Midoriya

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Requested by: RhylleNessBarcenas


Acting villainous certainly had its perks - especially when it allowed you to undertake such a wonderful task as this one. Perched among the leaves and sturdy branches of a tree, you watched with excitement at the happenings below. Those adorable heroes-in-training had finally made their grand appearance, apparently pushing the limits of their powers in an effort to override their weaknesses. You chuckled to yourself quietly, remembering when you too were so intoxicated by the rose-tinted lies of society. Now, you could proudly claim to be anything but. The Vanguard Action Squad would be arriving soon, and until then, you had been ordered to retain a low profile. That was proving to be quite difficult indeed, for there was one character below who stood out from the rest - one who seemed to possess an extraordinary level of enthusiasm for such gruelling training. The boy allured you with sparkling verdant orbs, within which you swore you could see the stars, and an expression of benign determination.

Twisting in your seat, teeth holding captive your lip, you observed. Never had you experienced such pleasant - dare you say arousing - sensations. Tingles echoed across your skin, worming their way closer and closer to your private parts. Never had you desired someone so badly, enough to cast loose butterflies into your veins, who settled uncomfortably in your stomach. Your costume, hardly weather appropriate, gave easy access to your exclusive areas, which was handy given your line of work. However, as your fingers now ached to be violating your walls, you cursed the design. It was too easy, and it could compromise your mission. Sticky fluids spilling from trees wasn't normal, after all, even in this world of superpowers.

So, resigned to discreetly rubbing your thighs together, in a motion that provided some semblance of stimulation, you once more cast your gaze towards that boy. His bushy green locks whipped by in the wind, created by his own ability, furnishing his eyes with a makeshift-blindfold. It made you conjure up an image of him splayed out, a leather veil covering his upper-face.

Well, I'm definitely falling...but not out of the tree. I wonder what time curfew is? That building seems relatively unprotected, considering it's basically in the middle of nowhere. They won't be expecting an ambush, and if I can spirit him away for a few hours...

A semi-innocent plan was unravelling in your mind, and you waited out the remainder of the evening, determined to act upon your first chance. An hour or two may have passed, but with no immediate access to a clock, you were unsure. Eventually, the teachers and students began filing into the property, parting ways to their respective rooms. You continued watching, waiting, until slowly, the lights started flickering off. For a time, everything was silent. Then, the almost inaudible sound of a figure landing on the ground, and footsteps trickling along it, could be heard by the wildlife. Nobody within the building was awake - the snoring proved this. When you leaned against the wall, watching the up-and-down motions of his chest as he slept, you felt a warmth unlike anything else. You tip-toed towards him, wetting your lips and gathering his unconscious body into your arms. He still wasn't waking, so you exited just as softly as you had entered. The boy stirred in his sleep, lips parting as he mumbled something about heroes. A genuine smile graced your lips - he must have been having a pleasant dream. In some ways, it seemed cruel to wake him. In others, you really wanted his attention.

In around thirty minutes, you were no longer anywhere in sight (or earshot) of the training camp. Your solo mission had been a complete success, and you had done it in spite of any backlash you might receive. When you fell, you fell extremely hard. It took no more than a single glance, yet it felt an eternity. Without acknowledging it, this green-eyed angel had caught you in a sticky web, but it was you who refused to break free.

Daylight was a few moments away, and your darling was about to awake. You studied his peaceful expression, then leaned down to plant a chaste kiss atop his forehead. An interesting explanation, and an intense struggle, was sure to await, but in the meantime, you were content to bask in the beauty of this jade-maned gem.

[Word Count: 731]

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