Shouto Todoroki {Male Reader}

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Requested by: Klootz


Homosexuality: Attraction to one's own sex; queer, gay, lesbian.


The first stage was denial, followed closely by distress and...guilt? Aside from being a whole year younger than your beloved, you were also a boy. It shouldn't have mattered, but unfortunately, society hadn't yet progressed past the plague called homophobia. His tolerance wasn't guaranteed. It was a dangerous game, but you couldn't play it too safe. He was dense and unlikely to understand your hints. So why bother? You pondered over it for about a week, studying male and female classmates alike, in an attempt to apprehend your own emotions.

Were you actually gay, or just confused? Gods, could you be any more disrespectful, any more cliché? How did anyone to whom that question was addressed, manage to remain calm and collected? A friend of yours had an experience like that, with you in the vicinity. She was so mature, and didn't lash out - she even stopped you from attacking the guy! Maybe oppression makes a community stronger? You had tremendous respect for them, from the ones who expressed themselves openly, to the ones who couldn't. But...when placed in the same position, you forgot all your strength and all the encouraging words you had given, previously. You just couldn't apply them now.

Then you caught the faintest glimpse of that beautiful specimen, and your heart nearly exploded.

Gay. Definitely gay.

The curtain closed on that particular query, and transitioned you into the next stage: acceptance. It felt like...growing into your most genuine self, and you were really proud! It was still semi-clandestine, with only your closest friends having intimate knowledge of your crush. But, you were probably happier than ever - coming to terms with something so important was a miracle for your mental health. Soon, you hoped to be flamboyant and flirtatious, to both peel back the remnants of your façade, and attract the attention of Class 2-A's pretty boy. It was exciting. It was also a little nerve-wracking.

I want him to love meeee.

Was he straight? He was constantly surrounded by other boys, but did his heart beat more violently for one of the girls? You weren't prepared to feed into stereotypes, so you maintained a safe distance.

For a while.

Am I a bit too desperate?

But your perilous journey began to reach a crescendo, with the final stage: revelry. You named it such, because now everything had come together, and you were ready to tackle any obstacle in your way! You would steal the spotlight away from his classmates, at every opportunity. You wanted his full, undivided attention. You were right - the hints weren't working, but you persisted. Perhaps a fellow could point it out for him? You didn't want to look too pushy, or mentally-ill, but you did want to flirt. He was someone you couldn't pass up, and apparently your mind latched on to this. You usually met him at the cafeteria, offering a wink and a smile. He didn't often reciprocate (did he even know how to wink?), and he didn't really call out the light touches, the compliments, or the worrying amount of eye contact.

Not in your presence, at least.

Another thing you adored was to trace the muscles in his arms, whenever his blazer was removed. You couldn't help yourself - he was just so addictive! You gave up caring for the location, or how many eyes were watching.

"Damn, they feel so nice! You must work out a lot, huh? Wanna train with me sometime? I'd totally let you choke me with these!" You gushed, face inching ever-closer to his.

"...You want to be choked? Do you need to see someon-"

Uraraka giggled. "You gotta be more direct, (L/n)!"

"Uh...yeah, that's not how I operate. Thank you, next!" Your leg brushed up against his.

Todoroki's thought bubbles were almost tangible. "You don't do this to girls."

Well I kinda do, but there's no romance involved.

"Sorry, is that some kind of straight joke I'm too gay to understand?"

Iida choked on his orange juice.

Todoroki's expression changed, like he was having an epiphany. "Ah...I think I get it."

You died.

It's about damn time!

[Word Count: 687]

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