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Baz didn't say anything this visit. He just sat there, his right hand wrapped around Simon's tail and his left resting on top of his unconscious boyfriends.

He sat and observed Simon, frowning.  His skin was sickeningly pale, almost matching Baz's. He looked dead. There was nothing to convince Baz that he wasn't dead, other than the fact that he could faintly hear the blood still pumping in Simon's body. Well, there was the heart monitor, but Baz would never trust any Normal medical equipment.

Baz was a mess. He had never been a bigger mess in his life. He didn't even feel this helpless when he tried to light himself on fire in the woods.

Protecting Simon is his job. It always has been. He's supposed to be the one keeping Simon out of trouble. He failed. The one thing he was supposed to do, he failed.

"Baz? You look horrid."

Baz lifted his head to look at Penelope. "Always a pleasure, Bunce."

"I'm serious. When was the last time you ate? Or slept?"

"I don't know."

"Come on, you need to go hunt. And then sleep."

"I don't take orders from you, Bunce."

"Well you don't have a choice. Simon wouldn't want you to sit here and die next to him. Go home. Get something to eat. Get a good night's sleep. I'll be here with him, don't worry. Go take care of yourself. And Crowley, take a shower. You reek."

Baz sighed, untangling his hand from Simon's tail, and tried to push himself out of his chair, only to fall right back into it.

"Fuck, Baz. Here." Penelope walked farther into the room, holding an arm out for Baz. Baz hated this. Hated looking weak in front of Penelope. Hated being weak. He stared at her arm for a few moments, and when he realised she wasn't going to budge, gripped her forearm and pulled himself up.

"Take a shower here. I'll go find you something to eat while you're in there." Penelope lead Baz over to the bathroom that was in Simon's hospital room.

"But Simo-"

"He'll be fine Basilton. Do you need help getting in?"
Baz shot Penelope a pointed glare. Yes he needed help getting in. He needed help standing for Christ's sake. But no, he was not going to let her help him.

"Fine. I'll be back with food." Penelope walked out of the room quickly. With purpose.

Baz collapsed against the doorframe to the bathroom, struggling to stay upright. Eventually, he managed to get as far as shutting the bathroom door and leaning against the counter.

He tried to step towards the shower and crumbled to the floor, letting out a small noise of pain. That's where Penelope found him twenty minutes later.

"Christ, Baz," Penelope kneeled on the bathroom floor, adjusting Baz so he was halfway on her lap. Baz couldn't bring himself to snap at her. She pulled a rat out of a bag that Baz hadn't seen her carry in.

"Here. Eat."

Typically, Baz would tell her to sod off while he ate. Or at least look away. But he didn't care anymore. He was practically in her lap, all of his dignity was gone anyways.

Penelope had somehow managed to capture fourteen rats while she was out. Baz drained them all to the last drop. Then he ate nine Big Macs.

As soon as he was able to, he pushed himself off of Penelope and slumped against the tub. "Thank you."

"Listen here, Pitch. You are not going to die on Simon. He's going to wake up and you're going to be right here when it happens, okay? I swear to Merlin I will go to the depths of hell to bring you back here. So get your act together. Got it?"

Who knew Bunce could be so....scary? Short Penelope Bunce who still wears the black buckle shoes that she's had since she was in her first year of Watford.

Baz didn't have to reply. He wasn't going to. "Now, go back to the flat, take a shower, go to bed, and get your arse back here."

Baz stood, helping Penelope off the floor. She had blood on her skirt. Baz frowned, focusing on the bathroom door behind Penelope's head rather than on the blood staining her clothes.

He hated feeding in front of people. He had only done it once before, and it was in the clock tower after they had defeated The Mage. He had refused to let anyone see it happen again. But there he was, standing in the middle of a hospital bathroom, watching Penelope Bunce of all people scrub blood off her clothes because he had fed while laying in her lap.

Instead of apologizing, or even offering to help clean the blood with one of the many cleaning spells he knew, Baz brushed past her and out of the bathroom.

On his way out of the hospital room, Baz pressed a soft kiss to Simon's temple. "I'll be back soon."

I'm A Wreck // SnowBazWhere stories live. Discover now