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okay guys listen im not a doctor i dont know anything about Comas. I'm getting all my information from Google so don't jump on my dick if it's wrong (:

"Someone's going to see his tail if you keep holding it like that. This is a Normal hospital, you know."
Baz looked up at the voice, furrowing his brows at the sight of his Aunt Fiona.

"Why are you here?"

"Your friend called. The short one. Said you weren't feeding. Here," Fiona threw a writhing paper bag at him. Baz peeked in and saw the rats, but didn't take them out of the bag.

"I don't want you near him."

"Calm down, Baz. You know I don't want to hurt him anymore."

"I don't trust you."

"Really? After wanting to kill him your whole life, you can turn around and date him, but you won't even believe that I don't want to hurt him?"

She had a point. But Baz still didn't want her near him. "Well, thank you for stopping by. And thanks for the food."

Fiona stared at Baz, her eyebrows pinched together. She wanted to protest. To stay. But even she knew she had no business here. "Text me if you need anything, okay?"

Baz nodded, and when Fiona realised he wouldn't say anything else, she left the room. As soon as she was gone, Baz squeezed Simon's limp hand gently and then locked himself in the bathroom with his food.

He fed quickly and without mess, and then went behind the hospital to throw the dead rats in the dumpster. When he got back to Simon's hospital room, he stopped dead in his tracks. He could have sworn Simon's blanket was in a different place than it was when he left.

Baz raced out of the room, grabbing the first nurse he saw. "Excuse me, has anyone been in Simon Snows room, room 112, in the last fifteen minutes?"

"I don't think so sir, is there a problem?"

"Its just.. he's in a coma, right? And I left the room and I came back and now his blanket is in a different position than it was before."

"Let me go get Doctor Brown and we'll go check it out, okay? If you go back to his room we'll be there in a few minutes."

Baz nodded and quickly walked back to Simon's room, pacing back and forth anxiously. Could Simon be waking up? Baz came out of his thoughts for a few minutes so he could spell Simon's tail invisible, and then resumed his pacing.

A few minutes later, a doctor and the nurse Baz had talked to minutes prior walked into the room. "We're just going to run a few standard tests to see if he might be waking up, but don't hold your breath," the nurse said while the doctor began the tests.

Baz watched the doctor move some of Simon's limbs, frowning. "Taylor, come here," Doctor Brown said suddenly. The nurse, Taylor, did as Doctor brown asked.

"Watch this." The doctor put one of her fingers in Simon's palm, wrapping Simon's fingers around it. After a few moments, Simon squeezed the doctors hand lightly.

"That's a sign of early responses, right Doctor Brown?"

"Yes. I want you and Doctor Raye to run some scans, see what's going on up there."

"Yes ma'am, I'm on it."

Nurse Taylor started doing a bunch of things at once, and Baz cleared his throat softly, alerting the nurse of his presence. "Er, while you guys are doing that, where am I supposed to go?"

"Go home, kid. Get some sleep, you look like you need it. Come back in the morning and we'll have results for you," Nurse Taylor said, and then turned back to what he was doing moments prior.

Baz's frown deepened. He didn't want to go home. He wanted to be here. What if Simon woke up? What if they found something groundbreaking during the tests?

He knew that he was one of Simon's emergency contacts and he'd be called if something like that happened, but he didn't want to be gone. He didn't want Simon to wake up in an unfamiliar place with no one.

But the nurse wouldn't let him stay. None of them would. He had no choice but to go back to his flat.

When he got there, he didn't sleep. He took a shower and then paced around the house. Penelope yelled at him a few times to lay down, but he ignored her.

What if Simon woke up? He'd be alone. He'd be surrounded by Normals in an unfamiliar place. It'd be just like when Baz woke up in the coffin the numpties stuffed him in. Baz didn't want Simon to have to experience that. He wanted to be right by his side when he woke up.

The next morning, as soon Penelope would let him, Baz went back to the hospital. When he got to Simon's room, he wasn't sure if he was relieved or upset that Simon wasn't awake.

On one hand, he didn't have to wake up alone. On the other, he was still in a bloody coma.

Sighing, Baz spelled Simon's tail invisible and collapsed into the chair next to his head. "I think you can hear me now. I didn't believe them before. But now you're responding to touches and I... I don't know. I hope you can hear me."

Baz gripped Simon's hand tightly in his, suppressing a gasp when Simon's fingers moved to wrap around his.

"Simon, you're so close to coming back. I don't know- I don't know why, but I can feel it. I know you're trying so hard to come back."

"I'm going be right here when you do."

"Years ago, at the Leavers Ball, I told you that you were the sun. My sun. I was wrong. You're my moon, Simon Snow. You brighten all of my darkest hours."

"I don't know why I said that. I don't know where I was going to go with that. I just- I love you, Simon. So much."

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