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"Hey Simon?"


"When you were...when you were in the coma, could you, er, hear me? When I was talking to you?"

"Sometimes I could hear bits and pieces. Other times I could hear clearly. A lot of the time I knew you were talking but I couldn't make out what you were saying at all."

"Did you hear- Uhm- What did you hear?"

"I heard you the first time you visited. And I heard when you were blaming yourself. I heard when Penny came and you...you couldn't get out of the chair. And I heard you and Penny fight. And you and Agatha argue... and I heard you crying. And the day you thought I was going to wake up. A few out other things. Did your aunt visit me?"

"She was bringing me food. So, you heard all of the important stuff. And some stuff I wish you didn't hear."

"Baz... If something like this happens again, if I ever get hurt again, I don't want you to worry so much that you don't take care of yourself. It was agony listening to you that day and not being able to do anything. I heard- I heard you fall in the bathroom. And I wanted- All I wanted to do was wake up and help you. You can't- You can't do that. You can't let yourself die just because I'm hurt. "


"Promise me."



"I said okay."

"Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch i swear to Merlin if you don't-"

"I can't promise, Simon. I can't. If you ever... if this ever happens again, I'll be just like I was this time, maybe worse. When you were....I couldn't think. I couldn't leave you. I was so afraid that if I left something bad would happen to you. That's why I only left when I knew Bunce would be here. I can't promise I won't be like that again. "

"Baz, please. Please."

"I can promise that I'll try."

"I'll take it." Simon lifted Baz's hand to his mouth, kissing the back of it lightly. Baz smiled softly, kissing the mole on Simon's cheek.

"There's not going to be a next time, though."

"I mean, I hope not, but-"

"No. No buts, Simon. There's not going to be a next time. I won't let it happen. Never again."

Simon just sighed, leaning into Baz. "When can I go back home?"

"In a few days."

"I want to go back now."

"I know. I want you to too."

"I miss my bed. And scraps."

Scraps was their dog. Penelope and Simon would not stop bugging Baz until he agreed to get a dog, and now they had one. He was a black lab/pit bull mix, and although Baz would never admit it, he had grown to adore the puppy.

"When they run tests tomorrow, if the results are okay, I could always break you out of here."

Simon giggled, yes, giggled, at that. "It's not a prison, Baz."

"Bad food. Strongly encouraged to not leave your room. Not allowed to leave. Forced to wear a stupid outfit. Uncomfortable bed. No dog. Seems like a prison."

"Mmm fair enough. Can you call the nurse?"

"Why? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Just want more pain meds. Ribs hurt."

Baz nodded and pressed the little red button next to Simon's bed. Within about forty five seconds, a nurse had appeared in the doorway.

"Is everything okay, Mr.Snow?"

"Is it possible for you to up the dosage of his pain meds?" Baz asked for Simon, who was starting to drift off in Baz's arms.

"Of course, I'll get right on that." The nurse walked farther into the room and messed with a few machines, "that should be good. Is that all you need?"

"Yes, thank you."

The nurse nodded and walked out of the room, shutting the door softly. "'M sleepy," Simon slurred, grabbing a bit of Baz's t-shirt in his fist.

"Go to sleep then, I'll stay right here."

"Mmmkay, gnight."

Baz didn't say anything. He just pressed his lips against the top of Simon's head, tightening his grip on his waist slightly, but not enough to hurt him.

And then Simon was out.

I'm A Wreck // SnowBazWhere stories live. Discover now