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As soon as Agatha left, Baz rounded on Penelope.

"Would you quit it?"

"Quit what?"

"Treating me like I'm him! I'm not... I'm not him! Just because he's not here doesn't mean you can replace him with me."

"What? Baz that's ridiculous-"

"No, Penelope, it's not. You're treating me like I'm Simon! You let me lay in your lap and feed. You're trying to calm me down every time I get upset. You... you hugged me. I'm not Simon!"

"Baz, please calm down. I didn't-"

"Stop! Stop telling me to calm down!"

"Baz he can hear you!" Penelope shouted, now fuming. "Do you really think that Simon wants us to fight? I'm not treating you like you're Simon, I'm treating you like you're a friend! Because I don't want Simon to listen to you falling apart! I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing it for him! All of this is for him, you dunce!"

That hit Baz like a train. He stood there staring at her, and then collapsed into the plastic chair by Simon's bed, frowning.

"I'm not- You think I was trying to replace him with you?" Penelope asked softly, leaning against the far wall of Simon's hospital room.

"I don't know what I thought."


"I'm gonna....I'm gonna go. I need to shower and sleep. I'll come back to check on him in a few days. Text me if you have any updates." And with that, Penelope was gone.

"Sometimes I wish you could hear me, so you could know how much I miss you. How much I want you back. But times like this, I really hope you can't. I'm sorry, Simon." Baz dropped his head onto the bed next to Simon's hand, his cut hand still gripping his boyfriends tail.

"I'm so sorry."

I'm A Wreck // SnowBazWhere stories live. Discover now