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Baz's head shot up from where it was resting on the edge of Simon's bed. His grey eyes met striking blue ones and he let out a surprised sound, somewhere between a laugh and a sob.


"Where am I? Why do I- What are these- How-" Simon reached down, trying to rip the tubes out of his arms and away from his face.

"Hey, no. Stop that, you need those." Baz stood up from his chair and reached over the bed to grab Simon's hand. When he was sure Simon wasn't going to try to rip the tubes out again, he leaned down to press his lips against Simon's. Which is when the door opened.

"He's awake! Why didn't you call one of the nurses! Oh my god!" A nurse ran into the room, and Baz had to quickly step away from Simon to avoid being knocked over.

After about an hour and a half, when all of the doctors and nurses had stopped flooding in and out of Simon's room, Baz was finally able to sit down next to him.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't... I don't know. What...what happened?" Simon frowned deeply. It was hard to think and form coherent sentences. His brain felt like alphabet soup. Everything was all mushy and mixed up.

Baz mirrored Simon's expression, gripping his boyfriends hand tightly in his. "The Goblins. They- He- They tried to- I should have-" Baz let out a frustrated noise, chewing on his lip.

"The Goblins? What? Did... Try to kill me?"

Baz nodded, unable to meet Simon's eyes. It was all his fault Simon was like this. Simon, who couldn't even remember why he was like this.


Baz looked up at that, but focused his gaze on the mole on Simon's cheek instead of on his eyes.

"Are you... you okay?"

"Are you kidding me? You just got out of a bloody coma and you're asking me if I'm okay? Christ, Snow, you-"


"I'm okay now."

"Why did the nurses... why were they... I was sleeping?"

"You were in a coma, Simon. For a month and a half."

They sat in silence for a while, turning that over in their heads. Simon was in a coma for a month and a half. A month and a half. And he didn't even know it.

"Baz? Could you- Could- Up here?" Simon asked suddenly, startling Baz.

"I might hurt you. The bed is small."


"But I might acciden-"

"Baz I know that- You- know you won't. Please...here."

Baz wanted to. Of course he wanted to. But he didn't want to hurt Simon. He could accidentally bump his head or rip a tube out or bump one of his broken ribs -another gift from the Goblins- or something even worse.

On the other hand, though, he couldn't deny Simon what he wanted. Simon wanted Baz to lay next to him on the hospital bed? Fine. Simon wanted Baz to take over the world for him? Fine. Simon wanted Baz to jump off a building? Fine. Baz would do it. Baz would do anything for him.

So, he slid his shoes off and very slowly climbed onto the small hospital bed. Simon tried to adjust to the new position, wincing. "Whats wrong with... with me?"

"Broken ribs. A few other things too but they're healed by now."

Simon nodded, finally finding a position that didn't cause him agony. He was between Baz's legs now, his back pressed to the vampires chest. Baz carefully wrapped his arms around his boyfriends middle, resting his hands in Simon's lap. Simon picked one of Baz's hands up in his own, playing with his long fingers absent-mindedly.

"I missed you. Thought you wouldn't come back," Baz whispered pressing his lips to the top of Simon's head.

"'M back."

"And thank Merlin for that."

I'm A Wreck // SnowBazWhere stories live. Discover now