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"Penelope brought a bag of stuff while you were getting your tests done. The doctors say you're fine so I don't know why they're still keeping you. I asked one of the nurses that has been monitoring you and even she agrees it's okay for you to go home. You still want to go home, right?"

Simon nodded.

"Okay, I'll help you get changed then. Here," Baz handed Simon the bag Penelope brought, and helped him into the wheelchair next to his bed.

He couldn't really walk yet. Neither of them really understood why. The doctors and physical therapist tried to explain it, but they used too many sciency words for them to keep up.

The two of them emerged from the bathroom about ten minutes later. Simon was wearing dark blue jeans and one of Baz's t-shirts -he always wore Baz's shirts. Before, he only ever wore the clothes he was given at the homes and his school uniform. He doesn't know how to dress for himself.-

"You ready?"


"Okay let's go then," Baz shoved a few more things into Simon's bag of stuff and then wrapped his arms around the handles on the wheelchair, wheeling Simon out of the room.

It took about twenty minutes, as Baz kept getting lost, but they eventually made it outside where Penelope was waiting for them.

"Hi Simon! Can I hug you or are you still hurt?"

"I'd like a hug."

Penelope grinned and waited for Baz to take the bag off of Simon's lap before pulling him into a tight hug, being careful to avoid his broken ribs. "I missed you so much! Crowley, I'm so glad you're back."

"Missed you too, Penny."

"Cmon, the car is parked just over there..." Penelope trailed off, scanning the parking lot with her eyes, trying to remember where she parked.

Baz spotted it first. "There," he pointed to the car, which was almost completely hidden between two large trucks.

"Bless you and your enhanced eyesight, I couldn't remember where I parked it for the life of me," Penelope said, grabbing Simon's wheelchair and wheeling him towards the car.

She was going pretty fast, eager to get Simon home. She wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings, which caused her to wheel Simon over a very large rock. He bounced up in the wheelchair, wincing at the impact of slamming back into it.

"Shit! I'm so sorry Simon, are you okay?!"

"Yeah, fine. Let's just go," Simon grumbled, keeping his eyes trained on the ground. He hated this. Hated worrying Baz. Hated not being able to walk properly. Hated not being able to think as well as he usually could -which wasn't very well in the first place, but still- Hated worrying Penelope. He hated being this helpless.

Baz and Penelope shot eachother worried looks. This was so unlike Simon. Simon was always the glue holding the group together, and now it was like he barely acknowledged the fact that there was a group at all.

Of course, they knew Simon wouldn't be back to normal right away, but it had been almost nine days since he woke up. Plus, he seemed to be getting better the last few days. But now he was acting a bit like a Numptie. Barely forming sentences. Not really engaged in anything going on.

But they decided to ignore it. Obviously Simon would have his ups and downs, he just got out of a coma. He would be fine eventually.

The drive home was mostly silent. Well, Baz and Simon were silent. Penelope spent the whole ride talking about everything the two of them had missed while they were cooped up in the hospital. Apparently Niall had gotten himself in trouble -again- for hexing a pair of fifteen year old boys that were annoying him. That was really the only semi-exciting thing that happened in two months.

Simon didn't really listen. He didn't want to listen to everything he missed out on because he was stupid enough to get taken out by Goblins. Goblins of all things.

He knew he shouldn't, but he blamed himself entirely.

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