Chapter 1

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My name is Madison Smith. I am 15 years old. I have long, straight brown hair and hazel blue eyes. I'm very intelligent and I consider myself better when I'm alone. Ever since that day when I was 12, I have constant nightmares and outrageous trust issues. Even worse, I'm a demigod, which makes the dreams even more realistic. Did I forget to mention that?

About a week after I ran away from what was once my home, I was scrounging for food in a dumpster (gross, I know) when a kid, not much older than I was, limped towards me, like he had a weird muscle disease or something.

"Hey. Are you alright?," he asked. I jumped back in fear and he stopped moving. "It's okay. Listen, I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Jade. What's yours?"

I stared at him for a moment before answering hesitantly. "Madison."

"Hi Madison. I know of a place where you wouldn't have to live on the streets. Where you could find a new home. Would you like that?," he said. 

I know it was stupid, but I was tired and hungry, so I nodded.

A few days later, and I was crossing the borders to my new home. Camp Half-Blood.

It didn't take long before I was claimed by my real mother.Turns out I'm a daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. I quickly found myself being accepted by my new siblings, my new family.

They are the only ones, besides Chiron and Erza, who know of my past. And mostly because I woke up screaming from the nightmares my first night in the cabin.

They gently coaxed the story out of me and when I finished with tears, again, streaming down my face, they each pulled me close and comforted me until the tears stopped flowing. That's the moment I decided they would be my new family.

The next day, a couple of them dragged me to Chiron, the camp trainer (who just so happens to be a centaur by the way), saying I had to tell him. And I did.

He immediately hugged me and insisted I'd be happy here. It didn't take much convincing for me to believe him.

Later, I met Erza Scarlet, daughter of Hades. She has scarlet hair (ironic, right?) and coal black eyes. She's thin, pale, and not overly tall, about 5'6", and can be pretty scary when she wants to be. She can control monsters and the dead alike.

Anyway, I was just walking around, lost in thought, when I ran into her. I mean literally ran into her.

"Hey, watch it!," she yelled. 

"Sorry," I mumbled.

Then, she gasped, as if she were surprised about something. But not as surprised as I was at what she said next.

"I'm sorry about your parents."

I nearly had a heart attack.

"H-how did you know about that?," I asked quietly. 

She just looked at me sympathetically and said, "Erza Scarlet, daughter of Hades. I can sense when people have witnessed death."

We started talking and that was the start of our friendship.

Nowadays, I consider Erza to be more of a sister than a friend. 

She's the only person I talk to outside of the Athena cabin. I know it concerns my siblings and Chiron, who is now more like my second father than my teacher, but I can't help it. I refuse to trust those outside my family. 

Erza and I practically do everything together. We train, mostly, but sometimes talk for hours about the happier memories from our pasts. I've mastered every type of weapon the camp offers during these training sessions. 

One training session ended up being more than we bargained for. 

Turns out, I'm also telepathic, meaning I can read minds, and telekinetic, meaning I can move things using only my mind. I'm the only child of Athena ever recorded with both abilities. Cool, huh? But of course, no one but Chiron and my siblings know.

All in all, I am pretty happy with my new life at my new home. Now, three years after my life changed forever, my life is about to get even more complicated.

Foreshadowing! I hope you like chapter one guys! If you didn't catch it, Jade was a satyr. I'll probably update again on Friday, so expect chapter two then and thanks for reading!

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