Chapter 3

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Hey guys! Sorry for the wait, but I've been SUPER busy. Anyway, this'll be a long one with LOTS of character introductions, but I hope you enjoy!

I felt numb. All around me, the camp was a chorus of questions, but I wasn't paying attention. Many questions and glances were pointed at my cabin, being the children of Wisdom and all. But my cabinmates ignored them. They knew exactly who the daughter of Wisdom mentioned in the prophecy was. Me.

I could see my brother, Scott Matthews, with his girlfriend, Grace McCarty, daughter of Zeus.

Scott is 15, like me, and average height with blond hair and grey eyes. He's super smart, always corrects people, and loves books. He uses throwing knives that always return to him and the occasional mind-reading. He was staring at me sadly. I assume because he knew exactly what I was thinking right now. I have to see him again. But I could tell what he was thinking, too. He wanted to make sure his girlfriend was okay.

Grace is 16, with dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, and a medium skin tone. She's 5'8" and she's a natural leader. She's also funny, smart, and powerful. She uses a sword and can control storms.

I knew Scott cared for her a lot, so I nodded to him, telling him it was alright.

I then noticed Talli Zimmerman, a daughter of Ares blessed by my mother. Talli is 15, with light brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. The blessing makes her very smart and she loves psychology. She uses a staff that forms from a silver necklace when tugged. She has the power to create war between two teams, which cannot be broken until one side is dead. Talli is also very clever at hiding her feelings. That's what caught my attention. She was scowling, like the prophecy meant trouble. It did for me, but the prophecy said we would win. So what was the problem?

Finally, I couldn't take the noise anymore.

"SHUT UP!", I screamed. The silence was instant. Makes sense, since most of the people here haven't heard me say a word in the three years I've been here.

"The prophecy is about me, okay?!", I yelled.

One brave camper, a son of Neptune descended from Artemis and Apollo named Austin Shepard, stood up.

He has dark blue hair, sea green eyes, pale skin, and he's about 5'3". At 14, he's pretty powerful. Along with the usual Poseidon/Neptune powers, he could use Egyptian magic and heals instantly at night.

"What makes you think that?", he asked.

I could feel tears prick my eyes, but my sisters squeezed my hands, and I felt better.

"Because. I'm from the southwest. Where my mortal brother should still be.", I replied.

Then, Cole Alexander, a son of Hephaestus, stood up.

Cole is 12 with shaggy blond hair and brown eyes. He can shape shift into a wolf and he uses brass knuckles disguised as a ring with a hammer imprinted on it.

"What does your mortal brother have to do with anything?!", he questioned.

I winced as my entire cabin and Erza sent him murderous glares.

"I don't know how he is involved, but I do know I am the daughter of Athena in the prophecy.", I replied sadly.

Next, Lily Evans (AN: See what I did there, Potterheads?), a daughter of Demeter, stood with her boyfriend, Andrew Pearson, son of Hades.

Lily is 18, 5'7", with multicolored hair and grass green eyes. She's very hyperactive and uses a normal sword and shield and controls plants. She can even use them to tangle around people.

Andrew is also 18, 6'1", with midnight black hair and dark purple eyes. He's mysterious and strong, but sweet, too. He uses Stygian iron daggers and controls the dead.

"Then, who is the daughter of Apollo and son of Poseidon mentioned in the prophecy?", Lily asked. Andrew didn't say anything, but he nodded.

I was about to say I didn't know, when two figures stood, nodded to each other, and spoke in unison, "We'll go!"

One was Brian Rogers, a 17 year old son of Poseidon. He has raven black hair and sea green eyes filled with determination. He's tall, athletic, and very handsome. He wears earrings that transform into a full set of armor and a trident necklace that becomes a sword when tugged. He loves to fight wars, but is immensely loyal to his friends and can create storms, as well as make water do anything.

The other figure was Macy Barnes, daughter of Apollo. She's 14 with long, wavy brown hair and golden brown eyes. She's usually quiet, but adventurous and fun-loving around friends. She often uses a golden bow and arrows. She also has a magic lighter that can give or take sunlight from a location.

Those two came to camp together long before I did and are inseparable. Ever since I arrived, they often tried to talk to me, to make friends, but I just couldn't bring myself to accept it. Although, I have to admit, after three years of him being so kind to me, I've developed a bit of a crush on Brian.

Anyways, there were immediately protests from the Apollo and Poseidon cabins, the loudest coming from Mikah Bradley, Brian's 16 year old sister.

Mikah is five feet tall with long, straight dirty blonde hair and and ocean blue eyes. She's a bit forgetful, but an amazing fighter. She has major ADHD and draws strength from water without even touching it. She uses a 3 foot Celestial bronze sword that turns into a small bracelet on her left wrist.

I think Mikah is just a really overprotective sister, but Brian and Macy both had the same look of determination on their faces as they ignored their siblings. I didn't know what to say. These two strangers were willing to risk their lives to go on this quest and get closer to me?

Luckily, I didn't have to say anything, because just then, Jacob Lewis and his girlfriend, Meg Lancaster stood up and said, "Stop it! Someone has to go, right?"

Jacob is an 18 year old son of Hermes with sandy blond hair, blue eyes, and is exactly six feet tall. He's sweet, helpful, mischievous, and is often seen pulling pranks. He only ever uses a Celestial bronze sword.

Meg is Erza's 17 year old sister. She's tall with dark obsidian black hair and matching eyes. She's 5'7" and Erza tells me she is really nice on the inside, even though she's rude and shy on the outside. She tries hard to be nice, but she can't help it. She sometimes seems kind of depressed and uses a Celestial bronze dagger.

Next, Callician Ash, another son of Hermes, stood up.

Callician is 13 with blond hair and blue eyes, much like Jacob. He is 5'2" and uses a dagger and magic never-ending rope.

He said, "My brother is right. Someone has to go to help Madison with this quest. Why not let the people who volunteered go?"

I couldn't believe it. All of these people, who haven't heard me utter a sound until tonight, are being so nice and supportive.

Chiron, who had been silent until now, then stepped forward on stage.

"It is decided, then. Tomorrow morning, Madison Smith,-" he gave me a sympathetic look when he spoke my name "- Brian Rogers, and Macy Barnes shall travel southwest to locate Madison's mortal brother-" I winced "- and defeat their foes."

Erza came over as the rest of the campers cheered and gave me a hug I so desperately needed.

"Everything will be okay," she promised as she lead me to my cabin. I nodded and said goodnight.

That night, I cried myself to sleep, terrified of what was sure to come.

Whew! Longest chapter yet! I know it had a lot of descriptions, but it had to be done. So don't judge me! (Just kidding. I would love any feedback you could give me.) And sorry for the long wait, but like I said, I've been busy! For example, I READ BLOOD OF OLYMPUS AND IT WAS SO DAM AWESOME!!! But, it's still more than likely I'll mostly only be updating on the weekends. Until next time, my readers. Peace out!

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