Chapter 4

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That night, my nightmares strayed from the usual. 

I had just escaped my old home, the usual end to my recurring nightmare, but instead I kept running until I heard voices. I stopped and listened.

"- sending a quest, sir.," said a female voice.

This voice sounded vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place it.

"Of course. Wouldn't expect anything else. However, this prophecy. It concerns me. Release the beasts.," said another voice, this one male.

Suddenly, a tall boy came into focus.

He looked to be about 19 and built like an MMA fighter. His jet black bangs hung over his lava red eyes. He was tan, but his bare chest and arms were covered in scars. He wore a white vest with a collar of black fur, black pants, and black boots. He also wore two rings, a belt with a Stygian iron buckle, and two studded wrist bands. I had a feeling those could be dangerous weapons.

By the looks of his stance, I could tell this guy was a master of all forms of combat and the look in his eyes told me he was sadistic and bloodthirsty.

I don't know how, but I knew this man, whom I've never seen before, was Adrian Grimm, son of Perses, the Titan of Pure Destruction. And I have no doubt Adrian can make the forces of destruction bend to his will.

But the most unnerving thing of all? His red eyes seemed to be looking right at me.

Then, he gave me a sadistic grin as the ground beneath my feet began to shake with the steps of many large things and roars coming closer.

"Madison. Hey, Madison! Wake up!"

I bolted upright, realizing I was being shaken awake by my brother, Alexander Dimico. 

Alexander is 16, with black hair and eyes. He's tall and wears a lot of black. At first glance, you'd think he's a Hades kid, but he's actually co-leader of the cabin with my sister, Emily. He is mysterious, but loyal, as well as quiet and good at lying. His sword can change into any weapon. I even saw it as a gun, once.

Alexander is also very skilled at sneaking around and is often eavesdropping. He's so good at being a sneak, he is always scaring people.

I quickly registered my racing heartbeat and tried to control my breathing. Who was that familiar-sounding girl? A spy? Who was that Adrian Grimm guy and how the Hades did I know who he was, even though I've never seen him before?

"HEY!," Alexander yelled, snapping his fingers in front of my nose.

"I'm sorry. Lost in thought. What were you saying?," I asked.

"I was saying, you should get going. Almost eight. Also," he hesitated, "I overheard Jack McKormic talking with Chiron."

I raised an eyebrow.

Jack is a 16 year old son of Ares, though he doesn't like it. He doesn't like his siblings for always being rude all the time. He has dark hair and eyes, kind of stocky, and stands at 5'9". He often uses sarcasm, a short sword, and a shield.

"Well, he said his sister disappeared last night.," Alexander continued.

My eyes widened as my mind flashed to my dream. 

That voice, I thought, it couldn't be.

"Who?," I whispered. Confirming my suspicions, Alexander spoke.

"Talli Zimmerman."

After that announcement, Alexander left me to think and pack. 

I kept going over the dream in my head, trying to answer impossible questions.

Then, as I turned towards my bed, something on my pillow sparkled in the sunlight streaming in through an open window.

I walked over and saw a beautiful silver charm bracelet, an owl pendant, and a single note.

Knowing the only person who could've given me these, I sent a quick prayer of thanks.

"Thank you, Mother.," I said.

I then picked up the note and read three words: "Use these wisely."

"Bad pun, Mom.," I laughed.

Next, I turned to examine my gifts. 

The owl pendant was very light as I put it around my neck. Suddenly, I felt the urge to pull on it.

When I did, armor immediately sprang across my body. It was stormy grey, with lining the color of my eyes. It was beautiful.

I tapped it where the pendant would be, and it shrank back to an owl.

Then, I picked up the bracelet and put it around my right wrist. Each charm seemed to be a different weapon: A sword, a dagger, a shield, a spear, and a bow.

Curious, I pulled on the bow charm and, soon, I was holding a beautiful bow that matched my new armor. I pulled on the string and an arrow appeared.

"Cool.," I said aloud.

I tapped the bracelet on my wrist and the bow disappeared onto the chain.

Luckily, I noticed, I had mastered each weapon represented on my new wrist-sized armory. Of course, Mom probably knew that.

I quickly finished packing and headed for Half-Blood Hill, where the others were waiting, along with Erza and Chiron. Macy seemed to be saying goodbye to Austin, the son of Neptune.

I guess I never noticed they were dating. Then, I felt bad for not noticing. Then, I felt bad for feeling bad.

I don't know her! Who cares?, I thought. 

I nodded a greeting to her and Brian, before turning to say goodbye to Erza.

"I'll miss you, Erza. I'm scared.," I said, close to tears.

"Hey, now. You'll do great! I know you will.," she said, giving me a hug. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

I nodded and gave her a small smile, before she ran off, probably to start her regular camp activities.

I turned to Chiron, who was smiling sadly.

"You will do well, child. May the gods be with you. All of you.," he said.

The three of us, -Me, Brian, and Macy- waved goodbye and began trudging down the hill to the camp van we'd be borrowing for our journey southwest.

Although, I had a feeling we wouldn't be returning the van in one piece.

Another chapter! YAY! Hope y'all liked it! I might update again tomorrow, but don't count on it. It depends on how busy I am, but I will try! If not, expect the next update to be next Friday.

Also, I'm looking for a new, BETTER cover. If you feel like making one for me, I would really appreciate it! If you do, please send it to me via private message.

Thanks for reading!

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