Chapter 8

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Happy Halloween! Just thought I'd let you know, I'm celebrating.......

When I awoke the next morning, I had a long debate with myself about whether or not the previous night's events were a dream. I was leaning more towards the dream side, until Brian woke up next to me and gave me a good morning kiss before I could react.

"Well, it's about time!," Macy shouted from the backseat. I guess she's awake, too. We both blushed.

"What do you mean, Macy?," I asked innocently. 

"Oh, please.," she said. "I've known Brian has had a crush on you since you showed up at camp. And I could tell you liked him, too."

"Oh.," I replied, my face turning an even deeper shade of red, but I smiled shyly at Brian.His face was a shade redder, too, but he returned the shy smile.

"Ahem!," Macy cleared her throat. "I hate to interrupt this cutely awkward moment, but we do have a world to save."

We blushed again and looked away. Brian coughed.

"Right. Let's go.," he said and started the van. He was still holding my hand and I couldn't stop a light blush from rising to my cheeks. We started driving and continued south towards Houston. Towards home.

I hadn't thought about it, but I didn't even know what happened to Alex or my parents'  bodies after I left. 

I guess we'll find out when we get there, I thought.

Hours later, I could finally see the city skyline of Houston. I gave Brian my old address, figuring it was the best place to start. As we drove along, I couldn't help but smile and point out the things I remembered. Big or small. And Macy and Brian smiled and laughed with me.

Finally, my voice died when we reached the familiar street and my old home. It still looked the same, although a little rundown. Like no one had lived there for a long time.

I felt tears prick my eyes as I slowly exited the van and approached the front door, Macy and Brian silently following close behind. I reached out to open the door, only hesitating for a moment. I opened the door.

Everything was the same. The furniture hadn't even been moved. I led the others to the kitchen. As soon as I entered, I almost collapsed from the onslaught of memories. Luckily, Brian caught me.

"You alright?," he asked.

"Y-yeah.," I responded shakily.

"This is where it happened, isn't it?," Macy asked cautiously. I nodded.

"Come on. Let's check upstairs.," I whispered. I hurried up the stairs, Macy and Brian following right behind.

I immediately went straight to my old room. Curiosity overtook me as I opened the door, wanting to know what I would find.

It was almost as if I'd never left. Everything was exactly as I had left it, though now covered in dust. Seeing my room, I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. The tears fell and they wouldn't stop. Sobs made my whole body shake. Brian and Macy engulfed me in a hug and we stood there until the sobs stopped.

Unfortunately, we didn't hear the sounds of the door opening downstairs or of the footsteps approaching.

"M-Madison?," a voice asked shakily. Each of us whipped around to the source of the voice and I couldn't contain a gasp.

He looked older, of course, but his identity was unmistakable. 

There, in front of us, was my brother. Alex.

MWAHAHAHA! Hope I gave you a good scare! I will probably update again tomorrow, so until then readers!

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