Chapter 7

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Here's another chapter for you! It's kind of a filler, so there won't be much action. Or will there? O_o Turn on the song on the side when I tell you please. Enjoy!

The next morning, we packed up our supplies and loaded the van (which, thank the gods, had survived the feroun pithikous attack) to continue our journey to Texas. Brian climbed behind the wheel, I climbed into the passenger seat, and Macy climbed in the back.

"Ready?," Brian asked.

I took a shaky breath and nodded.

We discussed how far we would go before we left, and decided we would go as far as the Texas border before stopping for the night. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

I guess the others could sense my uneasiness. Brian placed one hand on mine, while keeping the other firmly on the steering wheel.

"Everything will be alright, Maddie.," he said. I didn't understand why, but Brian made me feel better with just his comforting touch.

"I-I know. It's just- I-I promised myself that I would never have to go back there. That I would never have to see him again.," I whispered. Brian started to rub the back of my hand, and I couldn't help but feel better and more relaxed.

"Brian's right, Madison. Everything will be fine. You'll see.," Macy spoke up from the back. I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks guys. You're right. I shouldn't worry so much.," I replied. They smiled back and we rode in comfortable silence for a while.

Then, when it got too quiet, I surprised them by turning on the radio.

"Oh, I love this song!," I shouted as the beginning chords of Demons by Imagine Dragons began to play. I started to sing along. (AN: Turn song on now!)

When the days are cold

And the cards all fold

And the saints we see

Are all made of gold

When your dreams all fail

And the ones we hail

Are the worst of all

And the blood's run stale

I wanna hide the truth

I wanna to shelter you

But with the beast inside

There's nowhere we can hide

No matter what we breed

We still are made of greed

This is my kingdom come

This is my kingdom come

When you feel my heat

Look into my eyes

It's where my demons hide

It's where my demons hide

Don't get too close

It's dark inside

It's where my demons hide

It's where my demons hide

When the curtain's call

Is the last of all

When the lights fade out

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