Chapter 9

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Here's the real update! The long-awaited confrontation between Madison and her brother, at last. Hope you like it.

"M-Madison?," Alex asked again. He took a step towards us with his hands outstretched, trying to reach me. To see if I was real.

But before he could get anywhere near me, Brian and Macy leaped in front of me, each with their chosen weapons drawn, Brian with his sword and Macy with her bow, and aimed at him. Alex gulped and slowly took a step back.

"W-who are you?," Alex asked. The question was pointed at Brian and Macy, but I chose to answer.

"T-They're friends, Alex. Brian and Macy.," I said hesitantly. What I said wasn't the whole truth, though. Brian and Macy were a lot more than that. Alex looked like he wanted to step towards me again, but thought better of it.

"I-I thought you'd never come back, Madison.," Alex said. His mint green eyes began to shine from unshed tears and his shaggy dirty blond hair was falling in his face, but he didn't seem to care. He only seemed to care that I had come back. His little sister had returned home.

"I didn't have a choice.," I replied curtly. Alex winced.

"Please don't leave again. It's not what you think.," he said pleadingly. I stepped in between Macy and Brian, who scowled at my brother.

"Not what I think?!," I shouted. "Y-you killed our parents!"

"That's the thing. I didn't. I-I didn't want to, at least.," he whispered.

"W-what do you mean?," I asked, confused.

"I-I remember walking into the house. I remember taking the knife from the kitchen a-and killing Mom and Dad. But it was like watching a movie in my head. I knew what I was doing, but I couldn't control myself. Like I was possessed.," Alex explained, his voice cracking. "I know it sounds crazy, but that's the truth."

"Why should we believe you?," Brian sneered, pointing his sword at Alex's throat. I don't know why, but I actually believed him.

"Wait.," I said. "Let me try something."

I took a hesitant step towards Alex, but Brian grabbed my hand. I looked back at him.

"Trust me.," I insisted. He nodded and let go.

I went up to Alex until we were only a few inches apart. I slowly lifted my hands and rested my palms against his temples. I closed my eyes and concentrated.

Suddenly, images of the past raced across my mind from that day. Everything was just as Alex had described. I could feel and see everything as it happened, but I viewed it like a movie. Then, for a brief moment in the memory, I saw Alex's reflection in a mirror that hung on the wall of the house. His eyes weren't their usual light green color. They were lava red.

I felt myself being ripped from the past and found myself back in the present, standing in front of my brother with my hands outstretched and disbelief on my face.

"Y-you really didn't kill them.," I whispered. I felt my eyes start to glisten with tears as years of hate and resentment for my brother evaporated. Alex shook his head sadly.

"What do you mean? How do you know he's not lying?," Macy asked.

"I, uh, guess I forgot to mention. I-I can read minds, as well as move things with my mind. I simply viewed his memories. I don't really like to advertise my powers.," I explained. As I spoke, I used my telekinesis to move an old book from the floor to my hand. Both Brian and Macy seemed bewildered, but Alex looked almost scared.

"H-how is that possible?," he stuttered. I sighed.

"Let's all go sit down in the living room. We've got some explaining to do."

Voila! I hope you enjoyed this sappy confrontation. Next update will probably be up on Friday. Don't forget to vote, vote, VOTE! Until next time, readers!

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