Chapter 14

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"We need to Iris-message Chiron.," I said immediately. Brian and Macy nodded in agreement.

Brian manipulated water from a nearby sink into a fine mist and Macy clicked her magic lighter, casting sunlight through the mist and forming a rainbow. I took out a spare drachma and tossed it. It disappeared into the rainbow.

"O, Iris, goddess of rainbows, please accept our offering. Show us Chiron at Camp Half-Blood.," I chanted. The mist shimmered before revealing an image of Chiron.

"Chiron!," I called. He saw us.

"Ah, Madison! How is your quest going?," he greeted us. 

"It's about over. Listen, Chiron, you need to prepare the campers for an attack! We don't know when, but there will be a battle.," I explained. Chiron's expression became grim as I told him everything that had happened.

"I will ready the campers for war. You three must return as soon as possible. No doubt, we will need every warrior we can get.," he said. I nodded and swiped my hand through the mist.

"How are we supposed to get back? We don't have the van anymore, and it would take too long to drive anyway.," Macy pointed out. I thought for a moment before an idea formed in my head.

"Brian, can you call a few pegasi to pick us all up?," I asked. Brian grinned and closed his eyes. He seemed to have a mental conversation before reopening them and grinning again.

"Blackjack and a few friends will be here any minute.," he said.

"Perfect.," I said. I turned to Talli. "Come on. You say you want to be loyal to the gods again? Prove it and fight with us."

Talli gained a look of determination and stood up.

"Adrian and Will won't know what hit them.," she promised. The four of us grinned and Talli led us outside. Standing before us, were three beautiful white and one solid black pegasi.

Brian immediately climbed on Blackjack's back and the rest of us quickly followed suit on our own steeds.

Our pegasi spread their glorious wings and took off into the air towards the direction of camp.

Sorry it's so short. And unfortunately, I'm going on a trip this weekend and I'll be busy all next week, so next update won't be until probably next Friday. :( I promise the next one will be good and don't forget to VOTE! 

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