Chapter 6

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MWAHAHAHA! That little cliffhanger left me feeling evil. I probably will leave you hanging a few times, but don't worry. This one has a clear ending. Maybe. Hope you enjoy!

My first thought?

Wow. The Underworld is dark.

I could see nothing. Everything was black. To be honest, I was relieved to be dead. Not only would I not have to face Alex or the prophecy, but I would hopefully see my parents again in Elysium.

However, I felt unbelievably sad to think that I would never see Camp Half-Blood and Chiron again. Or Erza. Or my siblings in the Athena cabin. I even found myself saddened by the thought of never seeing Macy or Brian again.

Suddenly, I felt a liquid being dribbled into my mouth, and the taste of my mother's lemon cake flooded my senses. My favorite food in the world, meaning the liquid was probably nectar.

But that would mean I was alive. How had I survived?

Then, two voices came into focus.

"Is she going to be okay?," asked a male voice. Was that Brian?

A voice that sounded like Macy answered.

"I think so. Look, she's waking up!"

I slowly opened my eyes. Brian and Macy were on either side of me, each with wide smiles on their faces, I guess from seeing me awake.

"Oh gods, you're okay!," they shouted in unison. They both enveloped me in a warm hug and I was as surprised as they were as I hugged them back.

"W-what happened?," I asked, after we separated. I was very weary that Brian was still holding my hand. I blushed a deep scarlet, but I didn't want to let go.

"We thought we'd lost you, Maddie, but Macy, here, worked some magic and saved you.," Brian answered. I blushed at the nickname and Macy blushed at the compliment.

"Well, I am the daughter of the god of healing.," she said.

"Where are we?," I asked.

"Still in West Virginia. I set up camp, while Macy healed you. Here.," Brian said and handed me a canteen of water. I hadn't even realized how thirsty I was. I took a long drink before answering.

"Thank you. And not just for the water.," I said.

Macy and Brian shared a look.

"No thanks needed, Madison.," Macy replied.

"You don't even know me. Why would you save me?," I blurted out before I could stop myself.

They both blinked and, surprisingly, started laughing. I felt my cheeks redden as they wiped tears from their eyes and looked at me.

"Because we care about you!," they responded in unison. I must've looked confused, because their expressions turned serious.

"There's a reason we've been trying to talk to you for the past three years, Maddie.," Brian said. For some reason Macy gave Brian a knowing smirk, which he ignored, before continuing.

"You may not have known it, Madison, but we could tell you needed some friends and we wanted to be there for you.," she said. 

I could feel my mental barriers crumbling. Macy and Brian genuinely cared about me. They were willing to risk their lives for me and would do anything to save me. 

A line from the prophecy rang in my head, over and over again.

Her trust will be gained against the odds.

They say you can't fight prophecies, and they were right.

I jumped up and engulfed the pair in a hug. They were surprised at first, but quickly hugged me back.

These two were no longer just the other quest members. They were my allies. My friends. Maybe more.

"I-I think it's time you guys heard my story.," I whispered.

They let go, but Brian still held my hand. I didn't let go either.

"You don't have to if you don't want to.," Brian insisted. Macy nodded in agreement, but I shook my head.

"I want to.," I replied.

So, I told them my story. I told them about my parents. My brother. My journey to Camp Half-Blood. Everything.

And they listened.

By the time I finished, tears were leaking from my eyes. Brian wiped them away and hugged me, with Macy joining in.

They held me until the tears stopped and told me their own story. About their lives as childhood friends, running away from their neglectful mortal parents, and about their own journey to camp.

I hugged them once more before deciding I needed to rest. My last thought before I fell asleep made me smile.

I couldn't have asked for better friends.

Awww! Friend fluff! I told you this one would be easy going and it's short, but I hope you still liked it! Next update will probably be next Friday, which also happens to be Halloween! I hope I can come up with something to give you a good scare...... Until next time, readers!

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