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So the story concludes.....

I sat on the beach with Brian on one side of me and Macy on the other. 

The camp was completely rebuilt, with the help of my older sister. (A/N: There's that mysterious architect again....) 

Everything is pretty much back to normal. Except I'm almost never quiet anymore and I'm always smiling.

Erza tells me that Alex did indeed make Elysium. He and my parents are happy together and they're all waiting for me to join them when the time is right.

Brian's fingers were intertwined with mine and Macy rolled her eyes at us, but still smiled. 

I was happy. Happier than I had ever been. Plus, I realized something. 

I had never been and never again will I be Always Alone.


That's a wrap! For the last time, please don't forget to vote!

I hope you enjoyed this original fanfiction by yours truly.


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