Chapter 18

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This one's going to be fluffy. Mostly. Hehehe.

I surged forward. Brian turned and did the same when he saw me. 

We met and our lips crashed together. When we broke apart, Brian wiped away tears I hadn't even realized had fallen. I looked into his beautiful sea-green eyes and said three words I wasn't sure I'd ever say.

"I love you.," I whispered. He grinned as if he'd just won the lottery and I giggled.

"I love you, too.," he whispered back. I smiled and we kissed once more.

Cheers erupted around us. We broke apart and were surprised to see the whole camp surrounding us.

I could see Erza looking beaten and bloodied, but smiling none the less. Next, I found Macy smirking at the two of us.

"I told you everyone could see you liked each other!," she yelled. The camp cheered in agreement and both of our faces reddened, but I didn't care.

Suddenly, Adrian's last words rang in my head and I frowned.

"What's wrong?," Brian asked. I looked to the west where the sun had not yet started setting. My frown deepened.

"Adrian's last words were 'This isn't over.' What if he's right?," I replied.

"What are you talking about? Both Adrian and Will are dead. There's nothing left of their army, either.," Brian said.

"The prophecy said 'By the light of the setting sun Wisdom's daughter will have won'.," I said.

"Yeah, so?," Brian shrugged, but he started to look worried, as well.

"So, the sun hasn't set yet. And it won't for at least thirty minutes.," I explained.

"But what-," Brian started. But he was cut off as the ground began to shake. 

Every camper gripped their weapons and looked around for the imminent threat. All of a sudden, a large shadow loomed above us and a deep voice resonated across the entire valley. 

"You have destroyed my son. Now, I shall destroy you.," the voice said. I stood bravely.

"Who are you?," I demanded, though I had a bad feeling I knew exactly who it was. The voice gave a sinister laugh before replying.

"I am Perses, Titan of Pure Destruction."

Plot twist! >:) Bet you didn't see that coming, did ya? I'll either type up everything else later or tomorrow. Depends. \_("/)_/ Don't forget to VOTE!

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